Sound Healing Courses, Workshops, Retreats
"At the Heart of Holistic Excellence"
Established 2011
Dear Ambassador of Sound
Here are the details below, including the investment for the whole training programme. There are no extras and my hands on teaching and mentoring allows you access to me via Skype and Facebook and by email correspondence too. There are no digital programmes in situ – just me and my sounds sharing my work with you. It maybe slightly old fashioned in the world of digitial mania, but for me this is the gold standard way of meeting my future Ambassadors of Sound and that they feel supported and held through the process. Great shifts will occur personally as you work through the sounds. I am then here to guide you through these shifts with ease. We will have our own personal Facebook community where we can link into others also sharing the journey with my sounds.
JUNE 2017
I look forward to sharing with you very much and by keeping the intake to a small number I can assure you of my time and devotion to your training. Investment is payable in advance and as soon as payment is received your Suara Sound Tuning Fork Experience for your course will be sent to you. Those overseas, my agent will ship your tuning forks to you on my say so. Delivery times are dependent on location and I will be able to give an indication of how long it will take. Within the UK, I will personally ship them to you. The Manual and the CD’s will be sent via email and drop box, once the Tuning Forks have arrived. As soon as you have everything in situ we will book in your first face to face Skype Session which will be around 1 and a half hours.
Once the course has been completed over the 3 months from registration and case studies are completed, we will do your assessment by Skype and your Certificate to practice as Suara Sound Academy Sound Therapist is sent to you.
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Please honour my work by not sharing this anywhere else. I grant permission for the CD’s to be used in group work and gathering but may not be copied for distribution. My manual is many years of hard work and as so please do not share with anyone else. The copy sent is for you only and all my work has Divine Copyright.
I have been asked to teach my Sound Therapist course all over the UK and in many places in the US, Australia, New Zealand and more, so I have designed this course for people who cannot come to the training here in Cornwall in the UK. I can now personally teach and mentor students, wherever in the UK or in the world, to train as a Suara Ambassador of Sound. Students can learn from the comfort of their living room, linking into me in the UK by Skype, Social Media, email and telephone. This course is certified by Suara Sound Academy which is affiliated to the British Complementary Medicine Association.
"Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only be changed from one form to another" Albert Einstein
"Change your Vibration, Change your Life" Debbi Walker
I am so very passionate about bringing the world of sound healing in the form of tuning forks to you. I Love what I do and the potential difference the sounds can make to peoples life and that of their family, friends and clients.
Following over 7 years of intensive study with qualitative and quantative research, bringing the science and spiritual aspect to my teaching I am delighted to bring my Tuning Fork Sound Therapy course to you. After working with and sharing my bespoke way of using the tuning fork sounds with thousands of people experientially over the years, and teaching many Ambassadors of Sounds, I bring a very thorough, heartfelt, easy to follow and absorb course teaching Sound Healing based on my own evidence research in Tuning Fork Sound Healing. This allows for the deepest foundations for my teachings to be shared with my students for effective, safe practice. Tuning Fork Sound therapy is a modality in its own right and can allow the student and the client to allow their vibration of a health status to potentially 'be changed from one form to another'.
You will be working with vibrational core energy, really feeling each sound and exploring my channelled tones indepth. Yes you will learn all you need to become a sound therapist, however by thoroughly using the sounds throughout the months to follow, you may shift any limiting beliefs, or blocks to your life that are preventing you moving forward. When there is space within, there is freedom, and when there is freedom, there is choice - good healthy choices about all aspects of your life. You have all the answers within you and you hear them clearly.
You may achieve peace in your mind and body and a real sense of empowerment for your Life Purpose. Your mind maybe so quiet and you can hear so much more from within and nature around you.
The way I teach is completely unique and calls upon the experience and training over the past 25 years. As a retired District Nurse in the NHS in the UK, I am only to familiar with dis-ease processes and my teaching works towards showing how health status of students and clients can be potentially changed from one form to another using my bespoke way of using the tuning forks and the energetic vibrations they hold.
The teaching and mentoring offers great commitment from me and the Ambassador student will also meet me in this commitment as they embark on their journey with my unique system of working with tuning fork sound therapy. Learn to work with Sound vibrational medicine with the tuning forks and potentially offer huge health benefits of Mind, Body, Spirit and Soul. I am a Life Purpose Mentor, Life and Business Coach and use many of my skills on my course as I share this very powerful healing modality with you.
The tuning forks will be sent to you and we will work through the sets of tuning forks gradually, so much practice is done and documented in between Skype sessions. This will form part of the ongoing assessment.
A minimum number of hours study and practice is required which we will discuss on our first Skype call. You will be required to work with the sounds on yourself, family and friends, pets if you would like and nature, including doing some earth healing.
If you would like to buddy up with a friend or a group of people and study together, this can also be accommodated. All will sign up to the course on an individual basis.
I personally guide you through your training as it is very important to me who works with my sounds does so in a safe and effective way, bringing optimum health and vitality to yourselves and your clients.
First Introductory One to One Skype session will be around and hours and a half. Then 8 Personal One to One Tutorial Skype sessions (1 hour per session) and 8 Personal One to One Tutorial Skype sessions (30 minutes per session) to show how to use the tuning forks and for questions and answers
Teaching and mentoring throughout the 3 month Sound Training Programme (this can be extended if required)
Email support
Telephone support (if required)
You will be required to do case studies these will be assessed through on going assessment and a self-reflective written piece of work is required at the end. We will have close contact mentoring as you embark on your journey through my Suara Sounds.
All tuning forks required in the programme
260 page Manual sent by PDF
CD's sent via media
DVD available via You Tube
1. Clear, Cleanse, Balance - OM, weighted OM and 528 plus weighted 528 (4)
2. Solfeggio Healing Codes (9)
3. Chakra Tones relating to planets (earth, moon, sun, mercury, venus, soul purpose) (6)
4. Egyptian set (Isis and Temple) (2)
5. Ganesh (1)
6. Dragon (relating to the Earth laylines) (1)
7. Spirit of the Land including nature (Representing Air, Water, Fire, Earth, Spirit – all the elements of nature) (5)
8. Ancestor (1)
Ball ends x 28
Strikers x 3
CD’s x 8
DVD via You Tube
INVESTMENT: £1395 fully inclusive of personal training, assessment and certification and all tuning forks with Manual and CD’s and DVD
PLEASE NOTE: THERE IS NO VARIATION ON THE TUNING FORK PACKAGE (EXCEPT if people have bought the Clear, Cleanse, Balance from me in the UK this can be deducted from the investment)
Payment via Paypal (4% fee applies) or bank transfer
The package will include:
260 Manual sent by PDF
CD's sent via media
DVD available via You Tube
8 Personal One to One Tutorial Skype sessions (1 hour per session) to show how to use the tuning forks and for questions and answers
Teaching and mentoring throughout the 6 month Sound Training Programme
Email support
Telephone support
Tuning forks included in the training is:
1. Clear, Cleanse, Balance - OM, weighted OM and 528 plus weighted 528
2. Solfeggio Healing Codes
3. Chakra Tones relating to planets (earth, moon, sun, mercury, venus, soul purpose)
4. Egyptian set (Isis and Temple)
5. Ganesh
6. Dragon
7. Spirit of the Land including nature
8. Ancestor
Sets 4-8 are my channelled tuning forks
(These will be sent to you as soon as payment is received. Once you have them we can begin your training course to become a Suara Sound Academy - Ambassador of Sound)
You will be required to do case studies these will be assessed through on going assessment.