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Words cannot express what this course is meant for me. It feels as though I’ve finally come home. The final piece of the puzzle has been found and I slotted it in with my family. I’ve been to many workshops and groups that I’ve talked about belonging to a family, but this is the first time in this felt like the truth. Thank you so much Debbi with all my heart, the sounds have called me home. There have been enormous shifts me already and I know that there are more to come. I’m expanding, vibrating on a whole new level, stepping into my full power, at long last. With love and blessings star sister.


I thoroughly enjoyed this course. I came with no expectations so that I could fully benefit from the sounds. The course and Debbi astounded me. They were so powerful and many releases were received. The course was extremely well presented and fun packed and yet immediately I felt calm, connected and accepted for which for me is huge. I’m going to reach the people who wish for an amazing relaxing experience attain my case studies and in future I’m going to be on the advanced as and when divine timing seems to be. Love you Debs, we are one.

Natalie Birks

Firstly, I like the structure of the course as it was facilitated by Debbi in a very structured and professional way. There was a lot of learning curves in the learning theory side and also personally whilst working through this week. A very friendly atmosphere in which the environment allowed a safe place to work through and share with the group. Debbi is truly passionate about the work she does and great care is taken in the professional aspect of how the course is conducted. A very worthwhile and life changing course that proves the change begins with you. Thank you Debbi and my lovely Sara family for allowing me to share with you and you to me.

Gurdeep Kandola

It was an experience beyond words, profoundly healing and spiritual. I had previously experienced Debbi workshop and was so impressed with this apparently practising down to earth person, and nurse with a relevant science background, something that as a care worker could identify with, but the experience with the forks took me to another dimensional. I saw an exquisite colours, moving shapes and beings with wings. I found my ancestors and honoured the trees. I’m stronger now to heal the Earth, people, plants and animals. I found wonderful like-minded people all assisting me on my mystical journey with sound. Many, many blessings and thanks Debbi for your knowledge, experience, charisma and downright get up and go much love and light.

Sarah Evans

What are truly amazing week I have had. Thank you Debbi for being such a wonderful teacher, for being so warm and friendly. I have loved my first experience with using the tuning forks. I’ve gained so much already with the shifts I have experienced. Even while writing this I am sneezing. I’m so excited to be going off with my forks to use on myself daily and also my friends in case studies. I still can’t believe the power these tuning forks had. Thank you once again. Debbi love you loads

Debbie Thurgood

I’ve enjoyed this week. I feel the course has a wonderful feel and energy about it. It is cosy and relaxed. I very much enjoyed being able to hug everybody. I enjoyed Pam placing a has a my shoulder and connecting with me physically. I found effective talking a problem after being with the sounds I felt the need of maybe 10 minutes of mainly being. I believe in this practice so very much. I feel I should be doing with more with my sounds of the next few weeks may be received some sound treatment myself before I start working on case study clients. Sound is magic, in this wonderful journey of sound. Thank you beautiful Debbi.

Roman Bloodworth

This is beyond any doubt the most user-friendly course that I have ever attended. For the moment of arrival, I felt welcomed, nurtured and wrapped in Debbi’s wonderful joyous enthusiasm. She shows get great depth of understanding both of what she imparts to her learning group also of each person’s individual needs, showing great sensitivity whilst gently but firmly leading the group to explore both within and without. The course content is both comprehensive and beautifully balanced between evidence-based practical information on the level of the esoteric and channelled understandings that encourage wider and higher communications and stretch everyone present to reach their highest potential. As with the tuning forks, chime pipes, sound Bath’s and belonging. Sonic goodies. While words fail me, not something that happens often, I guess the only way to describe is to say it is beyond the beyond, and then some. And the laughter, last but not least laughter to the freeze every atom to jiggle about and danced to its true is being. I feel so grateful for having given myself the opportunity of sharing was such a great group soul brothers and sisters. Brightest blessings.

Pam Collard

Amazing!! Five fun packed days full of wonderful sounds and great companions. I loved every minute we shared together and the whole experience of the fork sound vibrations and the stimulating effect they had on my mind and body.

The venue was beautiful and Debbie her sparkly, wonderful self-sharing great insights and sacred knowledge with us.

Thank you so much Debbie, Amazing!!

Karen Averiss

Thank you Debbie for an amazing course. It has been everything I hoped it would be. I have experienced so much, laughed, cried and laughed some more. I have gained understanding, knowledge and skills to take with me for the rest of my life. I am looking forward to putting all I have learned into practice both for myself and others.

Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for one of the most profound learning experiences of my life. Linda

21.5.15 - Each day I had a profound realization. This has given me my true soul’s purpose - I feel so excited and blessed. Thank you again for enabling me to gain so much.

Linda Hatfield

Firstly I would like to say thank you. I will be leaving here with the tools I need to take the next step in my life and that has been something I have been looking for a long time. I thought I would be leaving to be a therapist for others but I have come away as a therapist for myself. It will be a pivotal moments in my life. The course itself was ideal, the setting, the group of people sharing and the teacher and it allowed us all to get the absolute most from it.

Thank you again, Jo xxx

Awesome course with a beautifully gifted healer guiding us through an incredible journey through sound/tuning forks. You have taken us on a stunning journey and created a sound sister experience I will never forget. Thank you.

I have much more to learn and happily will continue this journey with you going forward. I was meant to meet you. For a reason. I believe that reason will keep on unfolding.

Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

Lots of love from fairy xxx

Louise Adams

I loved every second of this course! A truly life changing experience - thank you so much Debbi for:

1 - Having the vision and fortitude to share these precious sounds with the world.

2 - Having the intuition and flexibility to run a course that was meaningful to everyone.

3 - Having the huge heart that has greatly nurtured us through our massive shifts.

4 - For your patience with our many questions.

5 - For your delicious soups.

This course has helped me to reconnect deeply with who I truly am and there's no going back now! I can’t thank you enough and am privileged to be able to now share these sounds myself. There's big love in my heart for you and my sound sisters always. xxxx

Sally-Anne Rees

Absolutely loved it!

I feel as though I’ve been away on holiday for a month, but paradoxically the course has flown by! I feel very cleared and at peace.

Some things have certainly shifted for me. as I’ve had an offer on my house since I’ve been here, and I’ve been told of a close move at work too, which is bizarre, I'll be going into a new desk with a very new perspective on Tuesday.

Best of all the group has been amazing, and I’ve really enjoyed the sisterhood (and the soup!)

What a journey we've all been on!

Thank you so much, Tania x

Tania Dee

I really enjoyed the course. I found it focused and much easier to follow this time. I have a clear view on which fork to use when but now the confidence to use my intuition.

I felt I lacked the ability to use or trust intuition prior to coming on the course working with the solfeggio helped me clear out the obstacles that I discovered within my 3rd eye. It was quite an extraordinary visualization and I believe the effects will be long lasting.

The course has also demonstrated that i need urgently to address my work life balance and i feel empowered to do something positive about this. (In fact if I don’t, I'll never get the case studies completed)

Thank you Debbie for a wonderful experience, lovely teaching, great soup and meeting lovely Max.

Namaste, Fiona x

Attended a retreat in March 2015 - not really knowing what was going to be happening on it. Just wanted/needed to get away from normal (what is normal?) life. Rita and Debbie were fabulous yoga and then this thing called FORKING! What the fork is that?

Well it is amazing. After using an OM Fork the light bulb moment happened! My eyes lit up and i knew I had been waiting for this for a long time. Debbie mentioned her course and I knew it was for me. So did she.

Well two months later here I am in wonderful Wales with the most sensational sound sisters and I really can’t explain what has happened over the past 5 days. The experience has been LIFE CHANGING.

It has been so wonderful, so relaxed, uplifting, amazing, the location is breathtaking, couldn’t have wished for a better place.

My word that seems to be the one that is repeated on how I feel is EXCITED. So excited now for what lie ahead!! I want to thank Debbie for her guidance and support, plus her wisdom, knowledge learning from her is a pleasure. Fun, exhilarating, inspirational and I have learned to choose the words I say more efficiently which has a profound effect on things.

Also thank you to the group, sharing and learning from them has been invaluable too!!! Hugs to each and every one of you.

A glorious experience.

Corrine Hawkins

The course material provided is very comprehensive, scientifically very good, excellent presentation. Debbi is a wonderful facilitator, warm and easy going. It was wonderful to experience all the different forks. It was great giving and receiving a treatment. I would have liked to do more of this. However, I enjoyed every minute with this very special group, making new friends and of course Debbi. Thanks for sharing these wonderful babies with me. 5 days of pure bliss.

Thanks for the delicious soup.

Gabi x

The course was all about relaxation from the beginning to end. Debbi's warm welcome and comfortable home set the stage for a very enjoyable week. We were blessed with good weather and were able to take our new 'toys' to play in the woods. The trees seemed to appreciate the beautiful tones of the tuning forks and we all felt we had benefited from spending time with Mother Nature. I feel sure many people will benefit and enjoy better health thanks to Debbi's guided use of the tuning forks and I am truly grateful to have had the opportunity of learning how to use them. Not only as a tool to add to my therapy kit, but also for my own health and wellbeing.

Thank you Debbi.

Jenny Brink

The course was all about relaxation from the beginning to end. Debbi's warm welcome and comfortable home set the stage for a very enjoyable week. We were blessed with good weather and were able to take our new 'toys' to play in the woods. The trees seemed to appreciate the beautiful tones of the tuning forks and we all felt we had benefited from spending time with Mother Nature. I feel sure many people will benefit and enjoy better health thanks to Debbi's guided use of the tuning forks and I am truly grateful to have had the opportunity of learning how to use them. Not only as a tool to add to my therapy kit, but also for my own health and wellbeing.

Thank you Debbi.

It’s so amazing to experience how the different forks evoke very different feelings and insights. I felt very safe and comfortable within the group. Debbi made sure everyone was nurtured on all levels, including her delicious homemade soups for lunch.

Debbi is a warm, caring person with a great deal of knowledge, you don’t feel afraid to ask questions and she has heaps of patience if you need further clarification or guidance as there is so much information to take in. The little extra things that Debbi adds throughout the week make such a difference as you do not feel that you are on a conveyor belt of students as is the case with so many courses.

A wonderful way of leaning and I can’t wait to start sharing and learning more from my new skill as I feel so passionate about what the sounds can do.

A big thank you to Debbie and the rest of the group who made this such a special week. I feel this is like learning to drive - you really learn how to drive after passing your test.

All very exciting. PS. I love, a reason, a season or a lifetime.

Pat Underwood

Course has been very inspirational for me. Originally was drawn to it because I use the OM in my massage therapy and wanted to know why it was so successful in reducing pain and helped relax tense muscles. The course has turned out to be more than I ever imagined and has re-ignited my healing process that I started in my late 20's. Since that time I have searched for answers to my questions through philosophy, theology, humanities, psychotherapy and transendental analysis. My journey thus far has brought me to Plato the gnostic gospels, the Hebrews, the kabala, Eric Bern’s and Carl Jung and many more. All have influenced my path along with many teachers that guided me to them. Intellectually I grow in knowledge, insight and travelled many paths on the search for some sort of peace or sense of being home and belonging.

Despite this personal development something was seriously missing, an emptiness that neither right or left brain could fill. Several years ago I had a flash of insight that directed my path towards my body. I began to realize that the body held somatic memories that had overall power to override old limiting beliefs and in my case I felt were responsible for the ongoing reproduction of my limiting sense of balance and purpose.

I believe whatever holds me back or protects me is pre-verbal and there is no verbal language to allow its expression. Since being on the course and allowing this path to unfold I recognize many of the sounds I have heard/just can’t remember where and why they have been with me for most of my life. I was introduced to sound by my past therapist (only briefly) and since then have been searching sound along with touch as a source of expression/deliverance. This course has really opened my eyes to how important these sounds are and I believe taking this path will allow my body to remember who and what i am. This is a new beginning for me, how this path ends and lends will be up to the cosmos. Thank you.

Theresa Kerr

I met Debbie 3 months ago and learned little bitte of tuning Forks. This time I came especially from Poland where I live to learn more hoping to help myself with health issues.

My journey for the last 5 days course was wonderful. Debbie is so good teacher that learning with her is a big pleasure and privilege. Nice, unique environment at her place, full of happy colors and joy already build up your soul. Comfortable place to practice with outstanding view make this place unique. Debbie after been great teacher willing to share her knowledge is great person to be with. I trust a lot, made changes, I'll applauding to myself and the loved ones. Now I have and just to practice Tuning Forks to continue my journey and get skilled carefully.

Thank you Debbie for sharing your kind knowledge, thank you for the last 5 days of been myself with peace. I will recommend Debbie's courses at any time.

Basia xxx

Signing up for the course, I didn’t realize I was going to make so much work on myself!

And what a roller coaster week it was!

Starting from day 1 - going through all sorts of different feelings and emotions. After day 4, I feel really strong and empowered and can’t wait to go back to 'real world' and share what I learnt.

Thank you Debbi!


A wonderful opportunity to experience the sounds on a physical level, they have helped me recharge and feel energised. Debbi holds the space very well and lets the course flow as it needed to, adapting to the needs of the group who are all wonderful shining lights of loveliness. Debbi looked after us very well without smothering us which allowed for growth in this new territorial. I’m very excited to be taking the sounds out into the wonderful world and sharing this beautiful gift. Thank you Debbi.

Sharon Roberts

Thank you so much for a wonderful training course, it certainly lived up to my expectations and went beyond. I’ve spent years looking for a healing with sound training, and very excited with all that I’ve learnt with Debbi. It’s a fantastic starting point for working with sound. I am excited to take it out to my clients and working on an individual basis and running workshops. Debbi’s generosity and knowledge is fabulous and the delicious soups at lunch and a great selection of teas and scrummy biscuits. The lower house B&B supplied delicious dinners complemented the course perfectly. Many many thanks.

Louise Vaughan – Arbuckle

Informative, lots of practical work and great fun stop wonderful environment. Great soups. I had a feeling before I arrived the course would be great, and it was. Debbi is a beautiful person, inside and out. I couldn’t have had anyone better for me. I am enjoying my process and look forward to working with the forks. Thank you love Andrea

Andrea Beesley

Thank you so much. Just a wonderful course with wonderful people, talk from the heart with such passion insights and knowledge. Learning lots of new bits of information and how to be mindful and how to look after my own well-being. How amazing sound is and how it can be used so easily in daily life in so many way. I am sad that the week is over, but am safe in knowing I have my great tools in my box to help myself and others and the confidence and knowledge to do that. Debbi is an amazing teacher and mentor, and I know Debbi is there if I’m stuck at any time.

Julie Elliott

One of the best weeks I have ever spent. It has been such an illuminating and empowering course will stop the energies have been wonderful, as have the other attendees and, of course Debbi. I wish I could do it again but I look forward to taking the sounds out there and seeing what happens. Debbi is an inspirational teacher and a great soup maker and a beautiful person through and through.

Sue Lark

I embraced the course with open arms and knew that something significant was going to happen on my journey this year.. Only one day into the course with lovely nurturing Debbi and the wonderful tuning forks, I felt much more focused positive and well. Things shifted within me. Each wonderful love field day I felt at peace with my life and journey. By the end of my course I felt strong in control, powerful and completely focus. I felt more balanced and calm. I have now been told by my guides that the ME has gone and I totally believe that. When Debbi took us to the Hurlers on the last day of the course, I got a huge insight to the next phase of my purpose as a healer, I was told I would be a vibrational healer and help many lives. I thank the lovely Debbi for a wonderful experience. She’s kind and full of love and I love her very much. Thank you so much.

Coral dawn

I first met Debbi in March at Patrick gamble workshop in Polperro. It was as if we known each other forever. Debbi introduced me to the tuning forks and I knew straightaway that I needed to do the course. Wow! What can I say, a profound experience and a fantastic week shared with wonderful people. An amazing personal journey focused on positive outcome. Looked at things I never expected to look at and the things I thought would come up didn’t. Mind blowing. Soup was delicious, coordinated with the chakras. Thank you Debbi. Penny King

A true ‘Gateway experience’ on all levels. Thank you Debbi for providing this special place to enable me to go through this metamorphic process. It was better than holiday. I’m looking forwards at long last to my new pathway using the special sacred sounds in my work. Love Rosie Rosie Hudson

The course has far exceeded my expectations. I thought I will be coming to learn a new skill to take my life forward and what I have received instead was an experience that is not only life affirming, but completely life changing. I find now I have a focus and purpose. I’m filled with such joy at being able to share the sounds with others and having a positive effect on their lives. I will without question recommend the course and the forks to everyone. Big thanks with love and hugs. Morwenna Brady

Amazing! I feel this is such a gift to share with the world. I feel enlightened, at peace, protected and at one with nature. Debbi has such an amazing ability to reassure and nurture your journey of sound healing. The course is accessible to all and is easily explained. There isn’t any question Debbi cannot answer and if you don’t understand she would explain again or in a different way. The transformation of the whole group is surmountable from start to finish. I am enthused by Debbi’s passion and commitment to bring the sounds to the masses. I cannot wait to start my healing journey with others and to be able to share it with everyone! Feeling so blessed. Thank you Debbi. XXX Tracy Teague

Absolutely brilliant! Very relaxed, lovely environment, beautiful atmosphere, great teaching and couldn’t have asked for a more lovely group of people. Feel incredibly inspired, positive and a sense of eventually knowing where I’m heading . Feel strongly this is the beginning of the beautiful healing journey I have been searching for, for so long. Just love each and every person I’ve shared the last five magical days with. It’s been amazing thank you Debbi X Kate Alpe

The course was fab, in order to get knowledge from the forks I feel it is essential to partake in the course and to hear other people’s journey and guidance after using the forks (which is part of the course). Furthermore our daily lunch cooked by Debbi is delicious. Melissa

An amazing spiritual journey I would recommend to anyone, what more can I say. The most relaxed I felt in years, like coming home, and very special course with very special company. Thank you X Julia Ridsdale

This course is honestly the best course I have done!! Every day was magical and new. Debbi is an amazing teacher who is intune with everyone’s journey. I have experienced profound changes within my Being on all levels. I feel truly blessed and honoured to have the tuning forks in my life to have the opportunity to share them with others. The world needs this so much. My heart is full of gratitude. Thank you, thank you. With love and hugs Susie

You really have to feel it to believe it and Debbi?s course really let you feel everything from using the forks?..Totally Amazing!

I have met an amazing, wonderful group of friends, who I can?t wait to meet again. I?am so looking forward to using the ?forks? and growing my business to help me secure a brighter future for myself and others alike. ? Feeling on top of the world? ? Thank you Debbi and all of my new friends. I also have slept a minimum of 7 hours sleep each night (usually I wake between 2 & 4am to go to the toilet, but not once this week) pure bliss.

Jackie Davis - Tuning Fork Therapist Course 4th- 8th March 2013

?Even Thought? I had already had some of your amazing instruments and have, to the joy of many, used them. I was still totally unprepared for the bewildering delight that awaited me. Your wealth of knowledge, your humour, natural ability to teach, your unwavering love for each of us was totally amazing. I? am positively bursting with excitement about using these remarkable ?tools? to help so many other release and purify themselves. What a week I have spent with you ? and each day has been the BEST!

Jane Dugglebury - Tuning Fork Therapist Course 4th- 8th March 2013

Excellent, course by Debbi, enjoyed and understood her explanations of the tuning forks. As a group we were all made to feel at home and very welcome. The knowledge I have acquired on this course, I?m sure will help me on my holistic development with my spiritual healing, as they complement each other. My own personnel journey on this course, ?AMAZING?. I have had knee pain 9 ? 10. With Debbi?s help and guidance ? knee pain 0 -10. I feel very privileged to have met such an amazing lady. What a wonderful week Love Su x

Su Radivojsa - Tuning Fork Therapist Course 4th- 8th March 2013

I have had an amazing week. I thought I knew what to expect. I have been to Debbi?s talks and one day workshops and I already work with vibrational healing. The week transformed all that, its pulled tighter my existing knowledge and given it another dimension from 2D to 3D??No! let?s say 4D. I had the opportunity to experience vibration in a new way, it has helped me heal myself when that was not my initial intent. I have a new confidence and trust in myself and many questions that I had. I feel I?am the person I wanted to be, I feel the person I?am. Sound gave me that, so when I think sound can do that, I will be listening, feeling and living more with sound everyday and sharing that with others. Thank you Debbi for showing us the tools, and sharing your love and giving me a sound family and friends.

Linda Perry - Tuning Fork Therapist Course 4th- 8th March 2013

It was an amazing experience. When I came I felt very heavy and full of worries about what the future might hold. My body vibrational rate was 65%. As the week progressed I felt myself getting lighter and lighter, both in form of heaviness and light. I enjoyed the company of the six other lovely people and I loved Debbi?s very inspiring and intuitive leading of the course, so the learning became fun and the contents I could experience for myself. Today was the first time of being conscious of reaching the still point when using the Om and 528, at the B&B were I stayed. I feel I learnt an easy way to get my chatterbox to stop and to teach that to others so their higher self can guide them more easily. I just love the sounds, the woods, the beach, the ocean and I?am very grateful to have met these amazing people and this wonderful teacher. I feel like a big family and it is absolutely fantastic not to have to do, but to choose to do. Bless you Debbi x x x

Claudia Miller - Tuning Fork Therapist Course 4th- 8th March 2013

I have thoroughly enjoyed the 5 day course with Debbi. It was a wonderful to be bathed in sound all week, experiencing all the different vibrational energies. There were tears of joy and tears of laughter, we all realised unwanted energies, which I felt a welcome relief. I can see how the benefits of using the sound forks can help everybody and I look forward to passing all the knowledge on. It will be wonderful to use the forks with colour therapy, which is my passion, my joy. Sound and colour are so intrinsically linked. There was plenty of variety during the week, It was wonderful to take the forks out into nature to give back to mother earth. It was a very relaxed atmosphere and we all bonded very well on the 5 days we spent together. Thanks for a wonderful course, it was very informative with great food and lovely people. I really enjoyed FORKING!

Please Note;?. On a 1 day workshop I did with Debbi, my cold sensitivity disappeared the next day! Body temperature has improved and my hands are always warm now!

Bev Eardley - Tuning Fork Therapist Course 4th- 8th March 2013? 

Catherine Reed November 2013

I have really enjoyed my week with Debbi and the tuning forks. From day one Debbi makes you feel welcome and at ease. The environment in which you learn in, is both relaxing and peaceful Debbi is a very good teacher, she delivers the information clearly and simply, so that it is easily understood. T here is an equal balance of practical and theory, which makes the day most enjoyable and interesting. Every day it was different and I would leave with a beaming smile and excitement. It has been an amazing week I have learnt so much about myself and how to keep myself healthy and bright. I’m so grateful and happy that I attended the tuning fork sound therapy’s course has been so much more than I have ever expected. Thank you Debbi for sharing the forks. Xxx

Larissa Coleman November 2013

I already attended to workshops with Debbi and I plan to do this course some time ago. Those five days of intensive study and practice gave me not only great knowledge of how to use the tuning forks healing but a pleasure to be with like-minded people who are already are on their spiritual path and to make new friends. The course was very well-balanced and easy to follow with plenty of time to practice on learn from Debbi and each other. Beautiful sound, colours and food for our Soul. XXX

Diana Nuttall November 2013

I didn’t know what to expect I thought I may have an idea but wow-wee I was ‘blown away’ by the course. Fabulous and as my grandson would say ‘epic’. Debbi is such a beautiful Soul and she walks in total love for all, her kindness knows no bounds, it radiated everywhere. I arrived with a shoulder pain, which had been badly aching since March, so nine months now, which was stopping me sleeping and providing mobility restriction. One forking from Debbi, and gone! Oh, the joy and the deep gratitude. The fun, laughter, bonding with newfound friends and super lunches were wonderful. Bliss. Nourished on all levels. It is a complete honour to be within the Debbi bubble and part of this newfound family of light. May this therapy trickle outwards to all who were drawn to experience it, become a river, and then a torrent, healing the pathway to wholeness. On the last evening of the course back at the lower guesthouse in Callington, a guest expressed interest in Debbi’s course understanding the role of sound as a singer and as a tool for emotional health and well-being. It was championed to her and well received so the word may be spread by her to she travels in her job worldwide.

Debbie Johnson November 2013

Thank you Debbi for great course, you are very good teacher always making sure people understand things. You make everybody feel welcome and one big happy family. I would recommend anyone interested in sound healing to your course. I love all the sounds from the forks and I know how passionate you are about the sounds and how you want to help others by using your sounds forks. I have learnt so much from you during the five-day course and I’m looking forward so much to putting into practice what I’ve learnt from you. I’m so proud to be part of your forking family. You have and do work so hard to get out to others what you have learnt and how the sounds and the forks can help to heal people. I find it hard to put into words. You are a lovely caring person and so very passionate about you what you do and always wanting to learn more and carry on with your research . It makes me feel so much better and I look at my life in a different way.

Phil Fraser November 2013

Having zero experience in any form of holistic therapy I had nothing but apprehension about doing the course. Sound therapy caught my attention at the spiritually shows and finally entered the course through much persuasion from the Mrs. And I’m glad I did it. I never visualised how deep I could go in self meditation on how comfortable I could feel in giving healing to another having never done it before. Now I look forward to developing my new outlook on life and continuing learning and lending a healing hand to others. No matter how much experience one has I recommend this course to ALL.

Karen Black - December 2013

This week has been one of profound reflection and love. “Perfectly pitched” in all ways from teaching environment, learning, resources, comfort, inspiration, fairies, Angels, Magic, ‘being held’, validation, soup and chocolate. And Max our course doggie. Laughter and tears shared with beautiful souls both physically in the room and souls who joined us both inside and outside in nature. Positively wonderful, exceeded all my expectations. I am leaving today with joy and love in my heart, blessed for having made new friends, and hope and excitement for myself, my family and in my professional life to be introducing the forks. I love you Debbi, thank you times 10,000 million million etc etc.

Rita Osborne-December 2013

This is a totally magical course. It has been more than I could have ever imagined it could be. Being already an holistic therapist, I thought it would be similar to what I have done before. However the tuning forks are amazing, it’s takes everything to another dimension. Debbie is a fantastic lady, her welcoming open arms make me feel comfortable and at home. My heart opened immediately any fear just melted away. As there were just a couple of us on the course I feel blessed to have shared this time with such special ladies. Working with all the forks on myself has been incredible. You really need to feel the sound and each sound resonates differently through the body. I have been to places I could never have imagined possible. Amazeballs!! I love Debbi’s way of teaching you got to feel it to believe it. I look forward to sharing his magical sounds with family friends and clients. I can truly feel good vibrations! Excellent vibrations! Amazing vibrations! Thank you, thank you, thank you Debbi “you got to feel it to believe it”. OM Shanti Shanti Shanti

“I really, really enjoyed the course. My favourite part was the day we used the ’Solfeggio’ set and worked on our past lives. The ‘Divine Feminine’ set was also really helpful. I thought the course was very well structured, friendly and comfortable – loved the soup!!! Thoroughly enjoyed it and sad it has finished. Now looking forward to my journey as it unfolds…..Yippee!!!”

Di - Therapist Course Participant Nov 12

“A really good week, I was very worried about what I was letting myself in for…..BUT….. WOW!!! I have learnt so much about myself its unreal. Thanks darling for using your size 10-9-8-7-6 boot to get me there. I feel rejuvenated and ready now to carry it forward. Best bit – EVERYTHING!!!”

Therapist Course Participant Nov 12

“The most wonderful week ever! Time ceased to exist, at one with the sacred sound vibrations, positive intent, joy and laughter. Thank you Debbi for holding us in your loving light whilst guiding and nurturing us on our journey through sound. Ohhh thank you also for the lovely soup! Thanks also to all the beautiful souls I shared this journey with x x x. So sad, this week is over too soon, but very excited to get out and share these wonderful vibrations and frequencies. Let me at em!”

Karen - Therapist Course Participant Nov 12

“I have to say, I have enjoyed all of the course having met some wonderful people. It has been great learning all of the different aspects of the tuning forks. I especially liked the weighted Om and the Temple forks. I will very much enjoy working with the forks and can’t wait to get cracking now. The soup you made us daily for lunch was especially appreciated and valued, so thank you Debbi. “

Therapist Course Participant Nov 12

“Dear Deb, I have really had a lovely time. It has been an amazing personnel journey for me and very interesting, I ‘am very pleased I came and have a new gift to take on my personnel journey. Realising how sensitive I ‘am, I ’am looking forward to seeing where this is going. Thank you for being a lovely teacher. I look forward to doing more with you. Love and light”

Ann - Therapist Course Participant Nov 12

“The five day course was full of surprises. I had no idea just how powerful the sounds and energies would be. I arrived on Thursday morning with a few doubts and questions that I needed to share with Debbi. She put me at ease and I was allowed to let the course unfold. I feel more confident about my training to become a therapist now that I have had the opportunity to experience the forks myself. It was also so nice to meet new like-minded people who have also helped me in my journey. In short - I enjoyed every minute. Thank you Debbi, I’m hooked on the forks.”

Tina - Therapist Course Participant Nov 12

“Dearest Debbi, what can I say that can enhance what has been said before? The course was wonderful, your care and love of all that you gave us shone through from your very being. The energy of your home was raised even more by the introduction of other beautiful souls to the course. Everything taught was from the heart, and everything learned was similarly received. Thank you so much for all that you do for us, as well as for spirit!”

Linda - Therapist Course Participant Nov 12

“A wonderful course, well planned and taught, adapting to suit the group’s needs. You gave everyone the necessary space and attention they needed. I have learnt alot being the ‘novice’ of the group and always felt part of the process at all times. I felt confident enough to use the forks and hope to progress to the assessment day soon. I will look forward to more workshops and contact from Debbi. I also look forward to being a true ‘Suara Sound Therapy Ambassador’, here/abroad. Many Thanks for all the energy love and understanding.”

Diane - Therapist Course Participant Nov 12

“Thank you Deb’s for a wonderful week of learning and walking a magical journey. A very intuitive course that enables a release of unwanted energies. I ‘am leaving with a peace within and a wonderful focus to further my experience with the forks. Thank you again for your warm welcome and allowing the course to be a caring, nurturing experience. TRULY RECOMMENDED!”

Thelma - Therapist Course Participant Dec 12

“The therapist course has really made me see the power of the forks. I feel as if a weight has been lifted and I ‘am in a new phase of my life. My money has been well spent, and the week away from home was a great way to really benefit as I had no distractions. Thank you!”

Claire - Therapist Course Participant Dec12

“I have never once this week felt like I was being taught, I ‘am more than sure this is the mark of an incredible teacher. Debbi is very warm, giving (knowledge) and patient individual. She allows her lovely students to learn at their own pace while covering the entire course content effortlessly, I think this is invaluable. The only criticism I have is - MORE CAKE!!! Thank you very much Deb, I can’t wait to be on another fabulous course with you – very happy!”

Lisa - Therapist Course Participant Dec 12

“At the end of the five day course, I have to say how wonderful I felt. The five days were amazing; we were taken into another world until the grounding. Our support and care whilst learning the therapist course, was one of Debbie’s upmost concerns.”

Pauline - Therapist Course Participant Dec 12

“The course has been a personnel journey into my own healing as well as training to be a practitioner. I have my own personnel understanding of what this healing process means to me, so I can personally translate this to my customers journey. I have had an intellectual connection to this work and how it is grounded experientially. Debbi takes care to guide her group in knowledge and experience while grounding the information with appropriate practice. Her knowledge and practice is given freely and with love whilst taking care to make sure all questions are fully addressed. I ‘am looking forward to working with the public and being an ‘Ambassador of Sound’. A very intuitive and enjoyable course!”

Stephanie - Therapist Course Participant Dec12

“I can’t believe how much we fitted into 5 days and how gentle it was. There has been a lot of love, support and understanding in this course, it has been one of the best 5 days of my life. Debbie is such a good teacher and makes it so simple. I was moved to tears by the experience of sending distant healing to the ocean. It has been so good to learn over 5 days, I felt everything flowed. I also felt a lot of ‘stuff’ shifted during the course and I now feel so much lighter and at peace. This is wonderful feeling considering the Saturday before the therapist course; I couldn’t even walk and was in quite a lot of pain in my back. Debbie is so encouraging, down to earth and warm natured. I think she is an amazing teacher, and it has been a privilege to have been on her course. Debbi covered every angle of how we could use the forks in a practical and simple way. Debbi has put me at my ease the moment I met her as I had never been on a 5 day course before. Debbie also covered a vast array of information including the evidence behind the tuning forks. I have loved the interaction with so many likeminded people. Thank you Debbi, it has been amazing and so much fun. I can already feel I ‘am standing in my power more easily.”

Norma - Therapist Course Participant

I first met Debbi a couple of years ago but did not relate to her tuning forks properly until I was visiting Perranporth MBS 2011. I attended her demonstration and found myself becoming rather intrigued with what she was saying and explaining to us all. After this session I found myself drawn to her stand and before I realised what I was doing I was buying the 528 fork. Intrigued yes, but I was guilty of not using it properly or effectively for some months. In fact it was not until I was at Quest in 2012 that the connection was truly made, I sat and joined in with a demonstration she was holding and was again captured by her enthusiasm and her lovely bubbly nature. At this event I bought the Om, and yes I did use it along with the 528 and was fascinated with what I was experiencing. I found myself enthusing to anyone who would listen to me. The weighted Om joined my growing kit soon after and this fork I truly love, it gets in deep to the tissue of the body and helps it feel loved and cared. I now have quite a collection of forks and recently I have added some Chime Pipes. I also attended Debbi’s November 2012 Ambassador of Sound Course and loved it. I am truly captured and intend to work with these tuning forks along with my other therapies in the coming months/years.

Debbi I can’t thank you enough for filling the void I once had, I feel I have been born into a new dimension and am so happy to be a member of your growing protiges ‘ The Ambassadors’ of Sound’. Love always Linda Joyce

Linda Joyce – Workshop and Course Participant

Suara Sound Healing Copyright 2024

Please do not copy my work without permission - I am happy to share, please ask.


Rev Debbi Walker BSc (Hons) Nursing

B.MSc Metaphysical Science

Minister of Metaphysics


Based near Callington, Cornwall


Founder and Holistic Director of ~ ♡Suara Sound Academy, ♡Polhilsa House Retreat,

♡Metaphysical Spiritual Mentoring Journey 


MEMBER OF: International Sound Healers Association, British Complementary Medicine Association, International Institute for Complementary Therapies, Minister with International Metaphysical Ministry, BCMA Officer

Suara Sound Academy is an Independent Teaching School with the British Complementary Medicine Association

Training Organisation with Holistic Services Insurance Ltd

Platinum Training Provider with the International Institute for Complementary Therapists

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