Sound Healing Courses, Workshops, Retreats
"At the Heart of Holistic Excellence"
Established 2011
Hello and Welcome to
Accredited, Certificated and Insurable
(Accommodation is not included and does not include the instruments we use)
Sunday 4th (4pm ~ 7pm),
Monday 5th ~ Friday 9th (10am ~ 5pm)
Tuning Fork Sound Practitioner Training ~ IN PERSON £795
Thursday 24th (4pm ~ 7pm),
Friday 25th ~ Tuesday 29th (10am ~ 5pm) Tuning Fork Sound Practitioner Training ~ IN PERSON
It is my absolute pleasure to share my passion for sound energy, vibration and frequency with you...
Who is this course for?
This course is for anyone who wishes to go on a deep and profound journey with sound vibration, life changing for many who attend
Science and Research meets Spiritual Aspects in the course
You may wish to bring sound into your work as it complements ALL other therapies - Reiki, reflexology, massage, crystal healing, angel healing, spiritual healing, colour therapy, shaitsu and many many more
Can also be used as a stand-alone therapy
Mind, Body, Spirit and Soul Nurtured and Soothed
Spiritual awareness and intuition enhanced
Plus much much more.
Course content variable
You will learn how to use the tuning forks on yourself for deep vibrational healing and release any stuck chi that is not serving you at this time
You will learn how to do full and comprehensive treatments on other people
You will work with nature and the elements
You may enjoy a process of change and self awareness
You will spend 5 days on retreat with like minded people being immersed in Sacred Sound
Violet Ray Clear Cleanse and Balance Tuning Forks plus the Violet ray Solfeggio Tuning Forks
Vibrational Energy Medicine
What are sacred sounds?
What are tuning forks?
What do they do and who uses them?
OM and 528 uses
Other uses for the tuning forks
Using Tuning forks for circulation and meridian healing
Tuning Forks and Ho opono pono
How to do healing on oneself, others, your OWN pets, using the forks in the programme
Distant Healing using Tuning Forks
What are energy centres? (chakras) and our auric field?
What do/can they do and their part in sound healing?
The relationship of the energy centres to the endocrine system and the physical organs associated to each chakra, ill health, dis-ease
Importance of the pineal and thymus gland
How to check the energy centres using a pendulum
Use of pendulums and reading results
Releasing past life, karmic blocks and ancestral memory patterns using sound
Highly sensitive people
Deep Self-Healing
Dr Emoto (thoughts, words and actions on water)
Meditation, Relaxation and Breathing
Visualisation and creating an abundant life
Ancient DNA and how it works with frequency
Using the voice OM/Toning
Using colour and crystals in a healing session
Connection with nature, the elements and elementals
Healing nature with Tuning Forks and Singing Bowls
For your place, please EMAIL me for a booking form
5 day full immersion course plus 1 assessment session (one to one - included in investment)
Case studies need to be completed * All learning needs will be met
"Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only be changed from one form to another" Albert Einstein
"Change your Vibration, Change your Life" Debbi Walker
I am so very passionate about bringing the world of sound healing in the form of tuning forks to you. I Love what I do and the potential difference the sounds can amke to peoples lifes and that of their family, friends and clients.
Following over 13 years of intensive study with qualitiative and quantative research, bringing the science and spiritual aspect to my teaching I am delighted to bring my Tuning Fork Sound Therapy course to you. After working with and sharing my bespoke way of using the tuning fork sounds with thousands of people experientially over the years, and teaching many Ambassadors of Sounds, I bring a very thorough, heartfelt, easy to follow and absorb course teaching Sound Healing based on my own evidence research in Tuning Fork Sound Healing. This allows for the deepest foundations for my teachings to be shared with my students for effective, safe practice. Tuning Fork Sound therapy is a modality in its own right and can allow the student and the client to allow their vibration of a health status to potentially 'be changed from one form to another'. The biggest change I see though is with my Ambassadors of Sound.
My course is so much more than a course, it is a re-treat back to YOU. All week we will be working with vibrational core energy, really feeling each sound and exploring my channelled tones indepth. Yes you will learn all you need to become a sound therapist. however through using the sounds throughout the week you may shift any limiting beliefs, or blocks to your life that are preventing you moving forward. When there is space within, there is freedom, and when there is freedom, there is choice - good healthy choices about all aspects of your life.
You leave with such peace in your mind and body and a real sense of empowerment for your Life Purpose. Your mind maybe so quiet and you can hear so much more from within and nature around you.
The way I teach is completely unique and calls upon the experience and training over the past 33. years. As a retired District Nurse I am only to familiar with dis-ease processes and my teaching works towards showing how health status of students and clients can be potentially changed from one form to another using my bepsoke way of using the tuning forks and all the other Sacred Journey instuments and the energetic vibrations they hold.
This certificated 5 day sound healing course is for anyone who:
Wishes to go on a deep and profound journey with sound vibration and to reach a depth self-awareness not felt before
Biological Science and Research meets Spiritual Awakening within the course
You may wish to bring sound into your work and it complements ALL other therapies but can also be used as a stand-alone therapy
Mind, Body, Spirit and Soul is completely nurtured and soothed
Spiritual awareness and intuition enhanced
“Not just a course. More than a course - a retreat back to authentic me.” Student feedback 2016
B and B nearby offering alternative en suite accommodation if required.
Deposit £295 non refundable/non transferable deposit (except in very certain circumstances)
5 day intensive course plus assessment (one to one - included in investment)
Case studies need to be completed before Assessment day
"Debbi Walker
Beautiful, gentle & powerful Teachings you have brought forward in your Dharma... your Life Work has literally saved my life & with love, clarity & joy I can take my life forwards... take care of me first & share the medicine of the tuning forks, the sonic sounds of freedom. The survival kit of the Aquarian Age to help us to tune into our sensory systems. Wow. You, Trevvi, Max, Radley, Rosie & Lady P are a Blessing to us & this Earth. Wonder-Full group of Sistars together in co-creation & I hope to meet more Ambassadors of Sound on the journey. I love you. Deep Gratitude 🙏🏽I’m so blown away by this week." SK
"Before I came on the course I was muddling through life as best I could, really struggling..but now, after working with these wonderful ancient healing codes of vibration I feel like I have my power back and my sail is up, I can sail through what ever life throws at me. I’m so fired up and ready to share this with others in my work, to help them see that life can be so free. Debbi Walker you really are a blessing to us all ❤️ I personally feel that we still have a lot more to see from you yet! Very exciting! Thank you both for a lovely stay at your beautiful home. Lots and lots of love to you and the ladies whom I now call sisters. 😘 💐 🍪 have you ever eaten so many choccy biscuits! We must have got through ten packets at least haha xxx" KM
Wow I have had an incredible journey. My heart was starting to struggle, where I couldn’t possibly give any more and now it is so big and open and I have more love than ever to give. I have cried and laughed with the most beautiful ladies and loving doggies. I have a felt safe and held the entire time. I’m sad this week has come to an end but very excited about what the future brings. I am pleased I have found the tuning forks. My life has already changed, may that continue. I cannot remember a time when I felt such calmness. Thank you
Lisa Clark November 2017
This course is truly ‘forking amazing’. Debbi gives everyone a really warm welcome. A scientific background and clear explanations gives a solid grounding to how the tuning forks work…and then there are the tuning forks. The sounds which are the second teacher on the course. Einstein said ‘You cannot solve a problem with the same level of consciousness that created it’. Well these forks alter consciousness, each fork has a different effect. Now I feel anything is possible. I feel reborn. What amazing tools these are. This course should be taught in every school, we will have a different society if they were. Thank you Debbi it’s been an honour and a privilege. Transformational. The soup is delicious. Also if you’re thinking of doing this course, do not hesitate its ‘forking amazing’.
Claire Banks November 2017
I have enjoyed learning all about the healing power of the various tuning forks. I’ve also enjoyed giving and receiving treatment. I had no idea so many different tuning forks existed. I have enjoyed spending time with other healers on their personal journey. I particularly enjoyed meeting sound practitioners who have already completed the course and are learning how to use it in their everyday life. The class size is nice as is the space, the classroom. The course is very well put together and everything it’s explained clearly and slowly. I loved having the journal and the purple pen the pendulum and the manual and I’m looking forward to reading it. It was a pleasure to share your home and meet your dogs. I’m looking forward to taking the sound healing to Lupton House and supporting those who visit us with cancer diagnosis and bereavement and supporting those who visit us with depression and anxiety at the drop-in healing centre where I work as a volunteer healer and therapist. Thank you Debbi for enabling me to move on from my grief. I feel more at peace with myself and aware home let go of all my bags to move forward. Bless you.
Fiona Dodd November 2017
I am so grateful to have attended this course. I knew it be powerful work and I wasn’t wrong! Being immersed in the love of you, Debbi, and the group being so very tender with each other it brought so much peacefulness to my little world. I now value silence more than I ever did, that silence of just sitting with no mind is very hard for me having such an active mind. The sounds have taught me to switch off. To be in the joy of just sitting quietly. I feel more open now than before this with more sure connection to all that is, without the need or the desire to speak, almost as if we can hear words and needs et cetera without them leaving our mouths. I’m very in love with the coming months ahead, to share the sounds with others and see what arises in my life. I am really very happy to have my sound toolkit for healing our fractured Soul family. Thank you so much, I love you.
Peace Ravenwood November 2017
Sound Healing and the Energy Field
These pictures were taken with a New Energy Vision filter and show clearly the effects of the OM Tuning Fork when stuck to the energy field. Note the dispersement of the red and pink colours, indicating in this case dense chi/energy around the lady's body. Also note the chi within the body begins to flow and is stronger and more even. Pictures 1 - 4 took 3.40 minutes and then the 528 tuning fork continues with the clearing, cleansing and balancing of the energy field (aura) and the Chakras. In total this took 6.50 minutes.
The Clear, Cleanse, Balance System has been developed by Suara Sound Academy following years of research, teaching and working with people, seeing the results first hand. It forms the basis of my Certified Course.
Taster workshops are also available too.
Testimony from a client following 6 sessions of Tuning Fork Sound therapy
'I have suffered from ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for, I now believe, 15 years, as a legacy of period of illness and resultantly intense stress. I have come to the belief that whilst ME/CFS is undoubtedly a physiological condition, as with the majority of illnesses there are emotional and psychological factors in play which affect the sufferers capacity to fight the disease. My own experience of the syndrome is that over a long period of time I have been prone to particular lulls where life becomes functionally difficult; This has resulted in intermittent absences from work and has obviously impacted enormously on my family and social life.
I have always had a passion for music and sound, and this has continued unabated despite enduring a period of progressive hearing loss which has necessitated a binaural Hearing Aid prescription. I will happily admit to a ready cynicism when it comes to Alternative Medicine, but having had 2 major episodes of really debilitating fatigue in the last year, I decided to investigate some alternatives to conventional therapies. As you may be aware, there is no prescribed cure or palliative for ME/CFS, and having read around extensively I was not convinced that the 2 most common clinical approaches to the illness (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Graded Exercise Therapy) were not necessarily the answer. Having read about the Suara Centre opening up in town I decided to give Sound Therapy a shot, and signed up for 6 sessions with Debbi.
The ambience in the venue was extremely relaxed, and Debbi's personable and professional manner put me at ease swiftly. I found the sessions themselves to be intensely relaxing; I'm someone who's always struggled to switch off and relax, and find going to sleep a tortuous process, but in at least 2 of the hour long sessions I dropped off, which is a testament to Debbi's skill and the power of the sounds. In terms of my condition, I have undergone a period of significant improvement, and whilst undoubtedly this has been partially attributable to being off work and resting up, I believe the sound therapy has also been a major contributory factor. I certainly left each session feeling mellow and refreshed. Also, a a result of major mastoid surgery on my ears I have to attend an outpatient appointment twice a year to have the wax and junk manually suctioned. During the first sound therapy session, I felt a unique and intense sensation in my ears. On subsequently attending my suction session a week later, I was told by the nurse that I had pretty much the cleanest ears she'd ever seen and the procedure took about 30 seconds (I'm usually in the room for at least 15 minutes)! I am sure this is entirely attributable to the sound therapy sessions, and will be interested to discover whether or not the results are repeated in a few months time.
Having become increasingly open to the process I would heartily recommend the treatment, which in my view undoubtedly has many therapeutic benefits.'
DC, Cornwall
Suara Tuning Fork Sound Course Testimonials
For More Testimonials - Click Here
You really have to feel it to believe it and Debbi's course really let you feel everything from using the forks?..Totally Amazing!
I have met an amazing, wonderful group of friends, who I can't wait to meet again. I'am so looking forward to using the ?forks? and growing my business to help me secure a brighter future for myself and others alike. Feeling on top of the world? ? Thank you Debbi and all of my new friends. I also have slept a minimum of 7 hours sleep each night (usually I wake between 2 & 4am to go to the toilet, but not once this week) pure bliss.
Jackie Davis
'Even Thought' I had already had some of your amazing instruments and have, to the joy of many, used them. I was still totally unprepared for the bewildering delight that awaited me. Your wealth of knowledge, your humour, natural ability to teach, your unwavering love for each of us was totally amazing. I' am positively bursting with excitement about using these remarkable 'tools' to help so many other release and purify themselves. What a week I have spent with you! And each day has been the BEST!
Jane Dugglebury
Excellent, course by Debbi, enjoyed and understood her explanations of the tuning forks. As a group we were all made to feel at home and very welcome. The knowledge I have acquired on this course, I?m sure will help me on my holistic development with my spiritual healing, as they complement each other. My own personnel journey on this course, ?AMAZING?. I have had knee pain 9 ? 10. With Debbi?s help and guidance ? knee pain 0 -10. I feel very privileged to have met such an amazing lady. What a wonderful week Love Su x
Su Radivojsa
I have had an amazing week. I thought I knew what to expect. I have been to Debbi?s talks and one day workshops and I already work with vibrational healing. The week transformed all that, its pulled tighter my existing knowledge and given it another dimension from 2D to 3D??No! let?s say 4D. I had the opportunity to experience vibration in a new way, it has helped me heal myself when that was not my initial intent. I have a new confidence and trust in myself and many questions that I had. I feel I?am the person I wanted to be, I feel the person I?am. Sound gave me that, so when I think sound can do that, I will be listening, feeling and living more with sound everyday and sharing that with others. Thank you Debbi for showing us the tools, and sharing your love and giving me a sound family and friends.
Linda Perry
It was an amazing experience. When I came I felt very heavy and full of worries about what the future might hold. My body vibrational rate was 65%. As the week progressed I felt myself getting lighter and lighter, both in form of heaviness and light. I enjoyed the company of the six other lovely people and I loved Debbi?s very inspiring and intuitive leading of the course, so the learning became fun and the contents I could experience for myself. Today was the first time of being conscious of reaching the still point when using the Om and 528, at the B&B were I stayed. I feel I learnt an easy way to get my chatterbox to stop and to teach that to others so their higher self can guide them more easily. I just love the sounds, the woods, the beach, the ocean and I?am very grateful to have met these amazing people and this wonderful teacher. I feel like a big family and it is absolutely fantastic not to have to do, but to choose to do. Bless you Debbi x x x
Claudia Miller
I have thoroughly enjoyed the 5 day course with Debbi. It was a wonderful to be bathed in sound all week, experiencing all the different vibrational energies. There were tears of joy and tears of laughter, we all realised unwanted energies, which I felt a welcome relief. I can see how the benefits of using the sound forks can help everybody and I look forward to passing all the knowledge on. It will be wonderful to use the forks with colour therapy, which is my passion, my joy. Sound and colour are so intrinsically linked. There was plenty of variety during the week, It was wonderful to take the forks out into nature to give back to mother earth. It was a very relaxed atmosphere and we all bonded very well on the 5 days we spent together. Thanks for a wonderful course, it was very informative with great food and lovely people. I really enjoyed FORKING!
Please Note;?. On a 1 day workshop I did with Debbi, my cold sensitivity disappeared the next day! Body temperature has improved and my hands are always warm now!
Bev Eardley
Catherine Read
I have really enjoyed my week with Debbi and the tuning forks. From day one Debbi makes you feel welcome and at ease. The environment in which you learn in, is both relaxing and peaceful Debbi is a very good teacher, she delivers the information clearly and simply, so that it is easily understood. T here is an equal balance of practical and theory, which makes the day most enjoyable and interesting. Every day it was different and I would leave with a beaming smile and excitement. It has been an amazing week I have learnt so much about myself and how to keep myself healthy and bright. I?m so grateful and happy that I attended the tuning fork sound therapy?s course has been so much more than I have ever expected. Thank you Debbi for sharing the forks. Xxx
Larissa Coleman
I already attended to workshops with Debbi and I plan to do this course some time ago. Those five days of intensive study and practice gave me not only great knowledge of how to use the tuning forks healing but a pleasure to be with like-minded people who are already are on their spiritual path and to make new friends. The course was very well-balanced and easy to follow with plenty of time to practice on learn from Debbi and each other. Beautiful sound, colours and food for our Soul. XXX
Diana Nuttall
I didn?t know what to expect I thought I may have an idea but wow-wee I was ?blown away? by the course. Fabulous and as my grandson would say ?epic?. Debbi is such a beautiful Soul and she walks in total love for all, her kindness knows no bounds, it radiated everywhere. I arrived with a shoulder pain, which had been badly aching since March, so nine months now, which was stopping me sleeping and providing mobility restriction. One forking from Debbi, and gone! Oh, the joy and the deep gratitude. The fun, laughter, bonding with newfound friends and super lunches were wonderful. Bliss. Nourished on all levels. It is a complete honour to be within the Debbi bubble and part of this newfound family of light. May this therapy trickle outwards to all who were drawn to experience it, become a river, and then a torrent, healing the pathway to wholeness. On the last evening of the course back at the lower guesthouse in Callington, a guest expressed interest in Debbi?s course understanding the role of sound as a singer and as a tool for emotional health and well-being. It was championed to her and well received so the word may be spread by her to she travels in her job worldwide.
Debbi Johnson
Thank you Debbi for great course, you are very good teacher always making sure people understand things. You make everybody feel welcome and one big happy family. I would recommend anyone interested in sound healing to your course. I love all the sounds from the forks and I know how passionate you are about the sounds and how you want to help others by using your sounds forks. I have learnt so much from you during the five-day course and I?m looking forward so much to putting into practice what I?ve learnt from you. I?m so proud to be part of your forking family. You have and do work so hard to get out to others what you have learnt and how the sounds and the forks can help to heal people. I find it hard to put into words. You are a lovely caring person and so very passionate about you what you do and always wanting to learn more and carry on with your research. It makes me feel so much better and I look at my life in a different way.
Phil Fraser
Having zero experience in any form of holistic therapy I had nothing but apprehension about doing the course. Sound therapy caught my attention at the spiritually shows and finally entered the course through much persuasion from the Mrs. And I?m glad I did it. I never visualised how deep I could go in self meditation on how comfortable I could feel in giving healing to another having never done it before. Now I look forward to developing my new outlook on life and continuing learning and lending a healing hand to others. No matter how much experience one has I recommend this course to ALL.
Karen Black
This week has been one of profound reflection and love. ?Perfectly pitched? in all ways from teaching environment, learning, resources, comfort, inspiration, fairies, Angels, Magic, ?being held?, validation, soup and chocolate. And Max our course doggie. Laughter and tears shared with beautiful souls both physically in the room and souls who joined us both inside and outside in nature. Positively wonderful, exceeded all my expectations. I am leaving today with joy and love in my heart, blessed for having made new friends, and hope and excitement for myself, my family and in my professional life to be introducing the forks. I love you Debbi, thank you times 10,000 million million etc etc.
Rita Osborne
This is a totally magical course. It has been more than I could have ever imagined it could be. Being already an holistic therapist, I thought it would be similar to what I have done before. However the tuning forks are amazing, it?s takes everything to another dimension. Debbie is a fantastic lady, her welcoming open arms make me feel comfortable and at home. My heart opened immediately any fear just melted away. As there were just a couple of us on the course I feel blessed to have shared this time with such special ladies. Working with all the forks on myself has been incredible. You really need to feel the sound and each sound resonates differently through the body. I have been to places I could never have imagined possible. Amazeballs!! I love Debbi?s way of teaching you got to feel it to believe it. I look forward to sharing his magical sounds with family friends and clients. I can truly feel good vibrations! Excellent vibrations! Amazing vibrations! Thank you, thank you, thank you Debbi ?you got to feel it to believe it?. OM Shanti Shanti Shanti
Amazing! I feel this is such a gift to share with the world. I feel enlightened, at peace, protected and at one with nature. Debbi has such an amazing ability to reassure and nurture your journey of sound healing. The course is accessible to all and is easily explained. There isn’t any question Debbi cannot answer and if you don’t understand she would explain again or in a different way. The transformation of the whole group is surmountable from start to finish. I am enthused by Debbi’s passion and commitment to bring the sounds to the masses. I cannot wait to start my healing journey with others and to be able to share it with everyone! Feeling so blessed. Thank you Debbi. XXX Tracy Teague
Absolutely brilliant! Very relaxed, lovely environment, beautiful atmosphere, great teaching and couldn’t have asked for a more lovely group of people. Feel incredibly inspired, positive and a sense of eventually knowing where I’m heading . Feel strongly this is the beginning of the beautiful healing journey I have been searching for, for so long. Just love each and every person I’ve shared the last five magical days with. It’s been amazing thank you Debbi X Kate Alpe
The course was fab, in order to get knowledge from the forks I feel it is essential to partake in the course and to hear other people’s journey and guidance after using the forks (which is part of the course). Furthermore our daily lunch cooked by Debbi is delicious. Melissa
An amazing spiritual journey I would recommend to anyone, what more can I say. The most relaxed I felt in years, like coming home, and very special course with very special company. Thank you X Julia Ridsdale
This course is honestly the best course I have done!! Every day was magical and new. Debbi is an amazing teacher who is intune with everyone’s journey. I have experienced profound changes within my Being on all levels. I feel truly blessed and honoured to have the tuning forks in my life to have the opportunity to share them with others. The world needs this so much. My heart is full of gratitude. Thank you, thank you. With love and hugs Susie x
My intention was to learn more about the properties and uses of tuning forks. I had no real intention of using them in a professional capacity. Five days later it has all changed! I’ve learnt more about myself and the insight has come and the determination to take the knowledge of the tuning forks to as many people as are open to the experience. Thank you Debs for holding us so sensitively during the last few days.
Fiona Trolley
This course has exceeded my expectation!!! I enjoyed it all, even when I was so tired from processing all the information being downloaded at night. I now have a focus to visualise. A future doing what I want to do with spirits. Before the course I was asking for guidance. I got it. Thank you so much. I have had a wonderful week and will be recommending you to everyone.
Karen Averiss
Excellent training. Debbi really knows her dream stuff and how to teach it. She gives everything possible to make sure we understand how the tuning forks work. I am absolutely delighted that I took the time to do this super training. I am getting excited about beginning the case studies, to put all the information along with my intuition together and experience the sacred sounds. I feel empowered and in touch with the real me. A real shift has taken during the course for me. Thank you.
Barbara Jones
Debbi is a very gifted and dedicated teacher. She is very professional and passionate about work. I have enjoyed her course immensely, and appreciate all of the teaching. She has inspired and ignited my passion to work with the tuning forks. I hope that I can do her credit in the service that I bring to others in the name of Suara Sound Academy. Thank you Debbi for your support and hard work. You Earth Angel. Wonderful course.
Gloria Elwell
I attended Debbi’s tuning fork therapist course in March 2004 in Cardiff and have had the most life changing experience in the process. The course has been so much more than an exercise in how to use the forks. Debbi has an amazing way of intuitively knowing what the group needs to learn and I can honestly say that the course is therapy for the Soul itself! Aside from learning how to use the forks, the life coaching and all the Soul-searching, I’ve also experience many benefits. In just five days I’m a lot more ‘switched on’. The forks of brought me to my ‘still point’ that I rarely got to through meditation alone. I’m calmer, happier, and have slept straight through each night. The rosacea I had has lessened, MS symptoms improved and I feel really positive! In addition, I have met five other wonderful Ambassadors! All in all, a life changing week to quote you Debbi – you are ‘forking amazing’. Llove and light
Jo Young
I met Debbi at the Natural Living Show in Cardiff and did a short workshop there. That experience was enough to make me realise I had to learn more. This five-day course has been amazing on all levels. Debbi is such a loving, warm, courageous and knowledgeable teacher who created a safe environment for what has been a week of transformation for all six of the students along with learning the practical skills. I am really excited about what will grow out of our learning in the months and years to come. For me, the course has been the completion of a circle which started with a life changing experience after one hour of deep meditation in December 1981. Thank you so much for allowing me to become a member of your ‘forking family’ Debbi. May I become an ‘Ambassador’ you can be proud of. Love and light.
Barbaro Perkins
I first met Debbi in March at Patrick gamble workshop in Polperro. It was as if we known each other forever. Debbi introduced me to the tuning forks and I knew straightaway that I needed to do the course. Wow! What can I say, a profound experience and a fantastic week shared with wonderful people. An amazing personal journey focused on positive outcome. Looked at things I never expected to look at and the things I thought would come up didn’t. Mind blowing. Soup was delicious, coordinated with the chakras. Thank you Debbi.
Penny King
A true ‘Gateway experience’ on all levels. Thank you Debbi for providing this special place to enable me to go through this metamorphic process. It was better than holiday. I’m looking forwards at long last to my new pathway using the special sacred sounds in my work. Love Rosie
Rosie Hudson
The course has far exceeded my expectations. I thought I will be coming to learn a new skill to take my life forward and what I have received instead was an experience that is not only life affirming, but completely life changing. I find now I have a focus and purpose. I’m filled with such joy at being able to share the sounds with others and having a positive effect on their lives. I will without question recommend the course and the forks to everyone. Big thanks with love and hugs.
Morwenna Brady
A fantastic course. Debbi is a great teacher, relaxed and great fun too. I went to learn about tuning forks, which I did, but also release stuff I didn’t know was blocked. Transformational.
Jackie Allen
This course really helped me get over a whole load of stuff and if anything come up again, I know I can deal with it.
Scott Princep Age 15
The past five days have been quite astounding and outstanding. I know that today is the first day of the rest of my life. I have started a new journey, and it’s all about me, which is new for me. I am really looking forward to see how the experiences I have felt and had this week will have an effect on my Soul Being. It’s been wonderful to be part of a wonderful collective of like-minded souls sharing with them also their journeys. I feel anew, awakened and quietened to listen. Whoop whoop. Thank you Debbi for everything.
Janine Doidge
Beautiful week with beautiful people. Have learnt, listened and felt the sounds. I am looking forward to using in continuing my journey with them.
Gloria Badcock
Astonishing! I came as when identity and left as another! The course is fun, friendly, interesting, plenty of support on many levels. Depth, breadth and height, all-encompassing. All emotions fly about. Life changing. Thanks Debs. Blessings.
Roisin Summers
Fantastic, super, what an experience, so moving and difficult to put into words. Such a feeling of happiness, feeling empowered. Now have direction. Clear, cleanse balanced began shifting, Solfeggio, incredible such clearing. Such insights having shared with my handsome son. The closeness has been incredible. My love for him knows no bounds. Thank you so much. Debbi xxx
Rose Princep
Polhilsa House Retreat
From the moment you step over the threshold, the house welomes you with a deep, loving hug. It’s as if it says ‘welcome home my child – you are safe here’.
It feels exactly like that – safe, deeply loving and welcoming. The energy in the house, together with Debbi’s beautiful, nurturing soul and the deeply healing vibrations of her sounds are a perfect combination. You can simply let go of all that is troubling you; relax, unwind and find yourself again.
The beautiful grounds enfold you as you walk around them; you can feel the stresses of your outer and inner worlds drain out through your feet into the grass, whilst the gentle rustling of the leaves and the hedges and the beautiful bird song, whisper gentle words of encouragement into your ears – ‘you’ll be ok’ they whisper ‘we will take care of you’.
It is so very special and so beautiful here at Polhilsa, both in the house and the garden. Every part of this place is healing – a sanctuary from the strains of the outside world. Once you come here, you just don’t want to leave. P xx
B 22/02/2017
Polhilsa House lends itself to an experience of celestial joy. Perfect place to let go and let God (source).
I have had a very privileged position to know and love Deb’s as a good friend. This gives me, you would think, an insight into everything, however I am always wow’ed.
This 3 days has been a reconnection to a big part of my future. I have met some amazing woman, that have made it so special for me.
I feel Polhilsa is like coming home. A place to be you exactly the way you are. LM
“Talking as someone who's been experimenting and using sound healing for forty years or more, not just as any old Tom, Dick or Harry, my experience of it is that it usually seems to have done nothing much or the effect to have been so subtle it's insignificant for about 24 hours after the session then all of a sardine the effect bangs into being and you feel renewed from the deepest level to the ends of the downy hairs on your forearms. With the soul thus renewed physical symptoms often clear up too.
We're at the early stages of exploration still but it's a growing movement and always a pleasure to come across a fellow pioneer in the field. I received a sound healing from utterly lovely Debbi yesterday and aside from her being sound as a pound, pun intended, spending the time with her was nurturing and the result so far has been immensely helpful in lifting my energy levels which had been a tad flattened after a few weeks of super-intensive work (finishing off a sonic healing recording project ironically) - it's just kicked in 27 hours later as I write this, in fact. I wholeheartedly recommend her - she's splendid.”
The Barefoot Doctor
Testimonials from the student Ambassadors of Sound
DH 12/08/2016
The week has flown by, and I am not the same person who arrived 5 days ago.
I have been woken up, healed, guided and so much more by the brilliant teaching of Debbi Walker.
In a very relaxed environment, the many, many tuning forks were carefully introduced, and then used, and enjoyed! We de-stressed and healed in many ways.
Debbi fixed the pain in my hip, which has been a chronic problem for many years, and also cleared many headaches, which were clearing blockages throughout the week.
Deep rooted emotions were bought to the surface for me to release, to set me on a new path, healing myself, and going onto heal others.
A brilliant course/retreat/healing journey all rolled into one. The sounds are beyond belief. Thank you so much Debbi
LH 12/08/2016
I came to the course with few expectations and a need for rest, retreat and renewal. I got more that I bargained for. Along with connecting with some beautiful souls, I have received some wonderful healing and many insights.
There was a need for me to ‘fine tune’ my life, and what better way than by using Tuning Forks. I will most certainly be using them both personally and in my work, and am looking forward to forking lots of people.
I am very proud to be leaving as an Ambassador of this most immediate of healing modalities.
Thank you Debbi, for being such a brilliant inspiration.
DH 12/08/2016
Thank you so much for this wonderful course Debbi. Working with the tuning forks this week has helped to heal me both emotionally and physically.
This has been more than just a course for me it has been like a retreat. I have been able to connect deeply with my higher self. I feel so empowered now and much more in my feminine power.
I can’t wait to work with the tuning forks and to take this wonderful therapy out into the world.
It has been such a joy working with you and the other lovely ladies on the course.
With love and Blessings Dxxx
p.s. I look forward to the Advanced Course
MC 11/08/2016
An awesome and life changing, enhancing and empowering experience.
Debbi’s skilful initiative group led teaching facilitates all students to embrace their own soul sound healing journey first. Enabling us to fully experience the wonders of the vibrational energy which flow through the tuning forks and allowing our bodies, hearts, minds and souls to heal on many levels, both with earthbound emotions and those of an ancestral and karmic nature.
This then provides ambassadors with the confidence and understanding to share these gifts with others to allow them to begin their own soul sound healing journey. A joyful honour. Thank you.
PH 12/08/2016
Wonderful course more like a retreat but with forks on!!
Debbi you are a beautiful person to learn from. I am so glad I came and the group has bee n lovely to get to know and to share with.
Variety of experiences – I loved the time in the woods. It is great to work on ourselves first before sharing a treatment as if helps so much to be open and truthful both to myself and my work.
Just wish I could purchase all the forks, CD’s and chimes and courses now. Maybe having some workshops, treatments etc I can come again. Very interested in Archangel Harmony Course and Tuning Forks and some chimes. Love you and Thank you. P xx
JD 12/08/2016
Debbi has given me such a valuable gift in teaching me this amazing new therapy.
It has been an amazing Journey this week on a very personal level. I had very positive expectations for this course and they have been proved beyond measure. It’s hard to put into words what Debbi has done to create a space I have had such life changing experience in.
The information given to us has been deeply meaningful, in depth, measured by the enthusiasm and inspiration I feel about sharing this wonderful healing with as many people as possible.
So much more than a practitioner’s course – a life’s purpose retreat, healing self so I can go one and heal others to the best of my ability. So many thanks and blessings for an incredible week. Leaving you Joyous. JD
SS 12/08/2016
I cannot express how much I have enjoyed your course Debbi. Your depth of knowledge, compassion, humour and understanding have made this one of the best courses I’ve attended (and I’ve done rather a lot!). I cannot wait to get home and start using my forks on myself, friends, family and my dogs.
I am taking so much away with me from this course, as I’ve learnt far more than just how to use and heal with tuning forks. I can see endless possibilities for their use in my life; and cannot believe the different in my energy just using the CCB every morning; which was something I’ve been struggling with before the course. Needless to say, I’ll be carrying that on when I get home.
Thank you so much for all of your help and support. I will cherish the memories from your course and hope to come back soon to do another with you!
LMcL 12/08/2016
A wonderful simple modality to nourish and sustain my journey to find my authentic self. Thank you.
RG 08/09/2016
Debbi, it is really difficult for me to find the words to explain how I am feeling after your wonderful course. Everything I have experienced let go of, re-connected to, the ceremony – Oh the ceremony, I could still cry just thinking about it, - just everything – what words can I use??? Amazing? Surreal? Unreal?? There are no words my Angel because I feel utter BLISS.
Thank you and our spiritual family so much for holding the space so beautifully to allow us to go through this amazing experience.
Massive Hugs xxxx
KB 08/09/2016
What do you hope to get from a healing therapy course?
Good Company? Nice Location? Decent Tutor? Interesting experiences?
Did I get these? No.
I had Fabulous company, an Excellent Location, a Brilliant Tutor and totally AMAZING experiences – Oh yes – the soup was lush as well!
Loads of thanks. K
SJ 07/09/2016
How amazing was that. I didn’t think that was going to happen. I learnt so much about myself, I didn’t think I had so much confidence in me. I think I will be able to find myself.
So, I will be totally in your debt for releasing me.
I want to give you big hugs and thank you so much and for me to say that it’s amazing coz the ‘Old S’ didn’t speak like that.
Thank you so much. Love S xxxx
SP 07/09/2016
I’m speechless – can I come home with you.
You’ve made me acknowledge and accept my role on this part of my journey, you have also freed me – something I don’t understand but don’t need too and allow them to go freely.
You have also introduced me to the sounds that the land requires so that I can connect with more freely.
So, from the bottom of my heart thank you so much for such a transforming five days.
With all my Love S. xxx
Excellent Tuning Fork Sound Therapy Course.
Thank you Debbi, for letting me partake in this most interesting course. By using different Tuning Forks, I was transported further on my Spiritual Journey to ethereal realms. I experienced wonderful visions which were most unexpected.
Wishing you continued success with your Suara Sound Healing.
Heartfelt thanks for five marvellous days Debbi.
With Love and Light, M
HJM 08/09/2016
I have attended many courses and workshops over the past decade or so. Some have helped me on my soul journey, some have given me new skills and there were a few whose only purpose was to connect me to someone or give me a specific insight or piece of knowledge. This course has given me the whole package!
The insights and knowledge I have gained, especially about myself and my Soul Journey, alone have made this course value for money and well worth attending.
Debbi is a passionate and knowledgeable teacher whose work is founded on proven research providing the solid roots for working with the magic of sound and tuning forks. Once the roots are set you are then sent on an amazing voyage of self-discovery that is full of fun, laughter, tears and self-nurturing. I am so grateful that I have been given this opportunity to bring the magic of ‘forking’ into my life and in such wonderful surroundings and with a group of beautiful souls.
Oh, and Debbi doesn’t just feed your soul she feeds your body with yummy nurturing home-made soup!
A sceptics view
You don't have to 'believe' it works - it just does - Steve Ridgley
“Since suffering with constant wrist pain and trying everything from conventional medication and over the counter pain relief. I was working with a colleague who suggested trying tuning fork natural healing therapy. Being a complete sceptic I told him was being ridiculous. In the end and after several weeks I decided to borrow my colleagues forks. I tried a few different forks over the course of the week, using them for approximately 20mins.. the very next day and unbelievably I started to notice a slight improvement in pain relief, by the end of the week I was almost pain free and able to use my wrist normally. I couldn’t believe these things actually worked!!!! I have now purchased a set of OM tuning forks and been issued the Book “How to Fork yourself”. Every time I get any niggles or joint pain I’m straight for the forks for immediate pain relief.. Sceptic no more.. Many thanks to Debbi Walker, oh and of course my colleague Trevor.” Kind Regards
Chartered Safety & Health Practitioner
AS 10/03/2017
I decided to do the course for me originally after finding the ‘sounds’ at a healing weekend 2016. I (upon arrival) felt emotionally drained and that I had nothing left to give family, friends or clients, if nothing else a lovely peaceful break.
The first day, I found my connection to the ‘forks’ was still there and stranger than before – the rest of the day I spent in the beautiful ‘La La Land’!!!
As the week progressed my own personal healing was achieved through Debbi, her explanations and ‘realness’ as a human, but I have to say the group contributed more that I ever thought – and feel a lot of my journey has been through them too!!
I know feel that this is something I no longer wish to do for me only and will be taking my journey further.
The journey has been personal and the ‘forks’ just are my perfect tool.
Thank you Suara x
PF 10/03/2017
The course was enlightening and inspirational.
I have attended many courses. What made this one different is the dedication, love and support of Debbi.
Debbi is an excellent teacher because she is teaching what she has created and no one has walked in her shoes during the creation of Suara Sound.
My grateful thanks and many Blessings to Debbi x
NP 10/03/2017
It’s been a wonderful 5 days, filled with so much variety. It’s certainly a journey that you embark on when you decide to do the course. I know now how just essential it was for me to attend not just to learn about the forks, but the personal healing that you go through, during the various sessions and ceremonies. I feel very fortunate and blessed for this wonderful experience. The tuning fork are beautiful tools to experience and work with. Debbi is an amazing teacher, with a lifeline of knowledge and personal experience that she shares, enabling us to enlighten. Thank you.
P.S. I was pleasantly surprised how well behaved Ran, site of Manuman were, and help me feel comfortable and at ease.
HP 10/03/2017
I loved the course, I was so nervous to come, but now I am here it feels like home.
I have learnt a lot about myself and how to empower others.
Loved the food.
Honestly there are no words to described how amazing this course is and Debbi’s teaching is. I can’t wait to begin my journey in Dorset. Thank you Debbi.
S 10/03/2017
What a wonderful course, it was great to relax and embrace everyone and use the forks on yourself before you began your learning, which I think you do learn more if your in that happy loving place.
Lady Polhilsa was so welcoming sharing lunch together and breaks all mucking in is such a great idea. Giving healing to each other is great but maybe one in the morning and one in the afternoon as when you in La La Land it’s hard to come back.
Thank you lovely Debbi xx. mummy of sound
RMcC 10/03/2017
I know that the course would be life changing but I certainly didn’t know it was going to be so life changing! The course itself is perfectly paced, giving you time to process and release.
Definitely helps staying in the healing love of Lady Polhilsa. What I like about it, is it is real, real love, laughter and tears. I like that it isn’t all read from a manual and that enables it to be completely personal to the group. I think Max, Radley and Rosie add to the healing process. I can’t wait to come back home.
Not only is it life changing but life affirming.
PL 09/03/2017
Not sure how to find the words. The teaching of the tuning forks takes place on so many levels with so many layers, so by the time you leave, it surely must be impossible not to get it right for the highest good of your client.
I now know why you say ‘it is what it is’ as it really ‘is’ what it is and you must do the course in order to know what it is, for there are no words to explain.
It is more than tuning forks, it just is the return to the OM.
Debbi it’s yours and you own it, therefore your teaching of it is perfect in every way. Thank you! Xxxx
AD 10/08/2017
Informative and experimental – good sound understanding with practical exercises and daily forking – A safe environment provided for growth and learning. After a couple of days, I felt more confident in the use of the tuning forks and giving and receiving healing was amazing. I felt totally renewed and energised.
The rooms were very comfortable and the informality at mealtimes leads to bonding.
A great experience overall. Debbi is a great teacher and hostess. Thoroughly enjoyed myself.
SW 11/08/2017
I did the 5 day course to learn C.C.B. system in March 2014, so this 5 day course has been an update for me in C.P.D.
It has been an amazing week which has flown by very quickly and valuable to me personally on different levels.
I’ve enjoyed meeting and connecting with the other students on the course, and will probably remain in contact with them as they join the Suara Sound family. I feel that I have made new friends this week with lovely people.
I feel I have gained in knowledge and confidence and feel better equipped to do further work with the Sounds.
Thank you Debbi for all your hard work which serves to benefit others. Love S xxx
CS 12/08/2017
This course has been absolutely amazing. I have learnt so much this week.
I have done a lot of releasing of past lives and family issues.
You are and amazing teacher and enjoyed this course so much.
I have connected with all the soul sisters that have done this course.
LB 10/08/2017
This course has been transformational.
Even though I struggled at first Debbi was there to talk to and a fabulous support.
The facilities provided at Lady P are just wonderful. I felt very quickly, welcomed and at home and have thoroughly enjoyed staying over.
The area for training is superb.
Every detail has been thought of and you can feel the love that has been put into this amazing space.
Thank you Debbi and Pickzie
This week has been amazing. I will travel home a wiser and stronger butterfly x
CA 11/08/2017
What can I say? I feel awesome. I started the week feeling tired, drained of emotion and blocked. At one point I questioned should I be on this course? Boy has that changed. I feel like I have come alive. I’m becoming who I was years ago before my light was dimmed by life and people. I didn’t always enjoy every part of the course but I can see that it needed to be that way in order to open up and grow. I feel full of life and energy and I am so optimistic for the future. There are so many ideas running around my head. I am feeling dizzy. There are so many changes that I am going to make in my life. I’m excited for my future and I haven’t felt like that in such a long time.
Thank you so much Debbi
AL 11/08/2017
A wonderful journey supported all the way. Gentle and eased through the experience. Good to have flexibility of course material. Lots of practical experience building up from on self to forking on others.
Very powerful but delivered with love, light and laughter.
Venue perfect and materials given with a lot of thought.
Personally, a huge clearing of stuck old energy. I felt safe and trusted those facilitation the journey.
A good start to the journey knowing these is more to do but confident that it will continue positively forward.
Much love and many thanks to you Debbi and of course P too xxxx
JD 11/08/2017
I felt quite scared and apprehensive on Monday that thought of meeting up with so many ‘strangers’ was overwhelming …. BUT…..
I soon felt ‘wanted’ and accepted.
Debbi and P very welcoming and knowledgeable not just about Suara Sounds and tuning forks but lots of background variances of other ‘cultures’ and ‘ways’ bringing the whole experience credence.
I found the 1st and 2nd days very profound as I don’t often ‘look’ after myself. Very emotional times.
The sounds of CCB one just ‘out of this world’! and I love the Solfeggio, I do have prior knowledge but this is now ‘personal to me’.
Everyone of the course are amazing and inspiring with their own experiences and lives! A beautiful group who are supportive and caring, which can also be said about Debbi and P.
This week was destined to be as it couldn’t have come at a better time in my life.
Big changes to be made. The course speaks for itself!!
Big Big hugs and thanks to Debbie and P
EL 11/08/2017
Dear Debbi
What a forking great experience!
I was already using forks in my massage practice, this has taken me to a completely new level. Both in practical protocol and intuitive understanding.
I feel this is the start of a journey that will last a lifetime.
Thank you for your love, diligence and years of work that underpin your teaching.
Huge Hug E
KH 10/08/2017
I don’t know where to start! Or have the words to express how much I have loved this week, how I am falling in love with the sounds and their magic! I know it’s just the beginning of a beautiful journey and I am excited for what is to come!
You have such an amazing way of teaching and I feel your love and passion for what you do and for all your students in every word you speak have laughed and cried and felt such joy and release with such a beautiful group of ladies.
It really is life changing! Thank you Debbi from the depths of my soul and with all of my heart! Thank you for the gorgeous, grounding Suara soups and the comfort and love from Maxi woof, Radley and Rosie, it wouldn’t have been the same without them!
Love and blessings forever xxxxx
And just between you and I, you have taught me It’s OK and absolutely essential to sometimes say Oh F…k it !!! xxx Forever Thank you
LJD 10/08/2017
‘Amazing’ I came on this course for myself and to use this with my work i.e. massage.
This is no longer the case I want to do what I have learnt separately and I ‘want’ this to be what I do as my career Suara Sound is far too special to be just added into another treatment it needs to be used in it’s own right. If I can offer people this healing and see how they can benefit from it I will be so happy and content to. It’s also ‘very’ beneficial for me to do within my day to day life weather that’s giving or receiving for my overall health. I desperately would love to take this further I would love to work with Suara Sound and shout from the roof tops how amazing it is. It’s LITERALLY has given me my sparkle back so thank you Debbi for helping me to my road to recovery. Gastropparesis doesn’t stand a chance with these tools, I truly believe I can live well with it if I have Suara Sound in my life. Xxxx
Every part of the course I enjoyed. I wouldn’t change a thing.
You made me feel very welcome and at ease. So did P, so thank you to you both, nothing seemed to much trouble even when you both still answering questions late at night.
I would love to do further training and attend courses to further training and attend courses to further my knowledge in the future.
I can’t wait for this exciting new journey to begin for me. I’m forever thankful to you.