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WOW WOW WOW I have suffered from M.E for many years,there were days when I couldn't lift my head off the pillow!I was put on medications including oramorph and morphine.Then I saw debs in Plymouth and I've been listening to the cd ever since,in that month I have stopped using oramorph and don't need as many morphine pills to get me through the pain and the day,I have more energy and feel great.My dog has bad arthritis in his legs,he has been with me each time I listen to the tuning fork cd and he too has improved so much so that the vet has completely taken him off one of his medications.I beg anyone who looks at this and has yet to try the sound technics please do, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain I can't thank Debbi enough for showing me the light.


Happy and Relaxed.

I truly mean this when I say ?The Divine Feminine Workshop? changed my internal circuitry. A fabulous day cradled in warmth from a lady, who if you?re not quick and treat yourself to a wondrous life changing day, will be doing the major holistic seminars worldwide to millions. Loved the venue, loved the day and loved the new soul sisters I now can call friends. Thank you so much Deb?s, my life arrow is now facing up! Love yer!!! Lisa Mechen - Divine Feminine Workshop 27th Jan 2013

Lisa Mechen

Ambassador of Sound

Even before I went on Debbi's therapist tuning fork course I knew the sounds would be special. When I did the course and heard the sounds WOW!! I love them so much and feel I have been reunited with a part of me from the past. Thank you Debbi for bringing the sounds to us in such a magical way. I use my forks as part of my daily practice and wouldn't be without them. Thank you for teaching me and for being a wonderful friend. I look forward to keep learning as the beautiful world of tuning forks develops. Thank you your sound sister Di, Kent.

Di McCann

Ambassador of Sound

Synchronicity after synchronicity lead me to Debbie. I first met this bubbly and lovely lady when she came to London last year for an exhibition in Earls Court in late summer. I completed her course in November 2012, and so I am now just collating and treating clients so that I can qualify as a Sound Tuning Fork Therapist. The course was a beautiful and illuminating experience which I highly recommend and you meet the most like minded giving people. Now that I'm on track and following my path I can only thank Debbie for helping me along this journey and for being a part of that. I also hope she gets as much from her students as they do from her . Peace and blessings x


Trainee Fork Tuning Therapist

Altho a healer myself I am probably the world?s greatest sceptic when it comes to alternative healing methods. Never the less I was sufficiently convinced by a lecture given by Debbie and I purchased an Om Fork. I have to tell you that I am getting on a bit and am beginning to suffer from a few age related things. Nothing serious just annoying. Like apparently a man?s prostate starts to swell in later life applying pressure to his bladder. The fork fixed that almost overnight. No more six visits a night to the lavatory. And I don't have to plan journeys going via public toilets any more. Oh the knees were starting to play up to; fixed those as well. Thanks Debbie and Bless. Andy Reeve

Andy Reeve

Protate probs

I have recently completed Debbi's Sound Therapist course and am absolutely delighted. The course was a joy to do with the content easy to follow and to complete. Don't get me wrong it is not entirely a walk in the park (although you do get to go out into nature!!!) During the first part you have to work on yourself which is mind blowing but so essential. Debbi presents the course beautifully with the deepest understanding of her subjects and with humour, essential with Debbi! and I enjoyed every minute of it. I am so proud to be one of Debbi's Ambassadors of Sound and know that if I have any questions, worries or concerns at all I can always call her for advice. My acheivement in gaining this qualification is all the more wonderful because two years ago I was so ill that I could barely get out of bed. Debbi introduced me to Tuning Fork Sound Therapy and through her encouragement and wonderful friendship I have now reached goals I'd never dreamt of. Thank you dearest friend, Angie xx

Angie Symonds

New Sound Ambassador!

I would like thank debbi and all her helpers at the mind body soul exhibition for being so frienly and helpful .i bought the om and the 528 they really do work and make feel so at peace with my self.thank you

Just wanted to share - last night when I said I had a head cold I did! Watery eyes, streaming nose, headache, cough ( you get the idea) right at the end of the day you know when it feels it's worse. Well after your advice I used my OM fork within 10 mins my nose stopped running I could breathe, within 15 mins my headache had gone and with 20 mins I had one of the best night sleep in ages, and strangely I can tell the 'germs' are still there but I feel great this morning even getting up at 530 with the kids. I know it won't amaze you but it does me every time! Thank you for your advice I will keep forking today and every day love lindaxxxx


Debbi, such joy to have found you and all that you are.For your true kindness and love .Thank you. My first chance meeting with being forked with 'OM' and '528' through a friend was like a light bulb going on.My body had a deep recognition of a promise that this is good and I need more. Three weeks down the line these sounds have not only improved my long time stomach problem of pain and discomfort.My digestion is improving and i sleep better. These beautiful sounds have awakened my body's healing process and much much more. Bless you Debbi.Love in all things and may you continue to do great things in your quest. X



I recently purchased my first tuning fork from Suara Sounds....the 528Hz. and soon after I realised that I wanted to read Debbi's guide to sound healing, 'How to Fork Yourself'.....I have enjoyed reading it thoroughly and have learned more than a few tips from its pages. I have now received the Om Tuning Fork and have used it alongside the my utmost delight!! I cannot get enough of the sounds emitted by these wonderful Healing Instruments and wonder why on earth it has taken me this long to discover the amazing vibrations the tuning forks offer. Indeed had it not been for the fact that I had recently purchased a CD with the Solfeggio Frequencies, I might never have found the amazing Debbi Walker and the Suara Sounds website. Thank you Universe......such serendipidy!

Carol Leslie

From one author to another

I found the workshop on forking that Debbie did at the healing weekend at Secret World amazing. I was so amazed at the results,(as a deaf lady said she could hear the forks) i bought some forks and have been using them at home on family and friends with great results. I can't wait to do some courses so as to use the forks to there fullest. Many thanks Claire

Hi Debbi Just like to say thanks for making Quest 2012 the best yet!. I've had a slipped disc for several years and have been in constant pain. After visiting your Workshop Demonstration on the 14th July I can honestly say that I am still pain free. I cannot thank you enough My wife has been "Forking" family and friends, all with good results - I think she will be attending one of your courses next year. AMAZING!! Sam Davis Bicester, Oxfordshire 22.07.12

Junior Davis (Sam)

I had heard great things about tuning forks from friends, but did not expect the impression they gave me at Quest. The lovely Debbie gave a down to earth talk about them and then allowed the group to see for themselves what forking was about. I had a wow! experience when I used the 528 on my heart it felt warm and loving and very beautiful. I am definately sold on them and will be completing a workshop with Debbie in September and will spread the word of forking. Namaste Claire x


Wow!!! what more can I say, in fact I can't im speechless!! Paul, a friend, who told me about Debbie and the sound therapy, has just given me a sample of the treatment on a neck problem I have had for years... and almost instantly the pain is relieved!! I have endured many forms of treatment for this problem over the years and nothing has given me relief...but this has and im truely 'blown away'!! I can actually turn my neck properly for the first time in months!! I was a little skeptic at first but not any more, amazing!Thank you Paul for introducing me to this, and thank you Debbie for introducing Paul! I would recommend this to anyone! Incredible.

Hi my name is Teresa by chance i came along to the Quest at Newton Abbot yesterday 14th Jul 2012..where again by chance i came upon the lovely Debbi and her workshop..I have been in sever back pain sinse 1999 because of burst discs leading to Osteoarthritis and Fibromyalgia right up through my spine..In March this year i freed myself from all medication and took the Natural approach but as yet have found none to work..I walked into Debbi's workshop in agongy and walked out with NO pain...and continued without pain the whole day...I have to highly reccomend the forks to anyone who like me has tried everything else with no relief of their pain they are AMAZING along with DEBBI..I thank you from the bottom of my heart...TREZ xx

Debbie's 'Om' tuning fork workshop at last year's Healing Weekend Festival (2011) was amazing. It was the best way to open the Festival, setting a really positive vibe and raising the vibrations - I was totally hooked! I could literally feel the 'tingling' through my body for the next few hours. After purchasing an Om and 'forking' myself regularly over the last year I was back for more at this year's Festival. Debbie didn't disappoint - thank you for another 2 amazing workshops. I absolutely loved the Egyptian temple fork and was amazed to try the Cosmic forks and really feel how much they resonated with each corresponding chakra. Already looking forward to what you have in store for us next year :-)


Workshop Participant

Peppa Mcguire Hi dont worry you now have a new stalker lol you really have changed my thinking about my hearing. To grow up knowing im going deaf and to slowly lose sound each day has been so hard but to then meet you and get forked by you and to really hear the tones omg what can i say but thankyou from the bottom of my heart and soul. You are amazing im so glad that sue introduced me to you. Im saving up as we speak so i can come and do your course and take these sounds to the hard of hearing and deaf community. I cant wait to see my consultants face when i show and tell him about the forks and that I CAN HEAR them :0) I really cant thank you enough x


Well what can i say, you are a miracle worker Debbi!! I met this lovely lady at the healling weekend via a friend called sue (who is also a member on this site) I am hard of hearing, compleatly deaf in my left ear and around 20% in my right ear. I havent heard sound in my left for about 20 ish years, and guess what I HEARD THE TONES and i mean really heard them through my ears not just through vibrations. I couldnt have been more surprised or shocked and couldnt have cried any more than i did. This experience has truely been LIFE CHANGING! I bought a couple of the tunning forks home with me and just cant put them down, I CAN HEAR :0). I shall be taking them with me to show my consultant, to show him what these wonderful sounds can do. I have been using them every day and it is such a joy to have something that i can share with my family and i can truely understand what they hear as I CAN HEAR these wonderfull, powerfull, and loving sounds. Thankyou so much for opening my ears. x


Amazed and excited

The sound is very deep and a gentle way to relaese old fear and boundaries. The sound dances around the cells of my body giving room to expand to their natural form and releasing stuck energy. Thank you x

Elisabeth (Germany)

It was a pleasure to have you here !!! And ? in my perception you feel much more down to earth and in your body so that the power you have (no discussion about that) feels so strong and authetic. The way you give a workshop is very relaxing and pleasurable, I like your humour. Especially when you worked with me personally I felt completely safe and held. The work with the forks allows a good mixture of information for the brains and spiritual input ? that?s the combination I love. What you teach has a good balance between information and proves how and that the forks work. The way you speak and present information is very easy to listen to and in now way tiring. I love the weighted forks because I feel they are a good tool for people how have difficulties in ?believing? ? they can really feel the vibes.



10./11.09.2011 at Warngau Working with the tuning forks touched me very much, more as I expected. At first I was a little sceptic, but for me this work turned out to be a very good possibility, to harmonize my soul, mind and body. The days after the workshop I realized, that I can see clearer than before, that I make decisions, how I want to go further in my life and change my behaviour from being passive to a more active way of life. The sound healing workshop for me happened at the right time - for I somehow felt stuck. The main information from working with the sounds was: ?I have to move?. I really do feel, sound healing helped me to identify, which things / circumstances are useful in my daily life and which are not and how to let go the ?negative? things I cling to. I will use the tuning forks for me and my family, for my home and garden - so far. The seminar itself was very informative, good explanations, but not too much.



Hi Debbi I was at your workshop at Kernowkopia on Saturday and thoroughly enjoyed it. I felt quite different after it having had a trying time getting to Porth from Looe on icy untreated roads. Delighted that I arrived in time for the beginning of the workshop. GP


Dear Debbie just wanted to drop you a quick email to say how much my sister and I enjoyed your workshop. Neither us of us knew what to expect but what an experience! SB



Angelika: I´m so relaxed and full of energy. I would like to work on everybody I know - if they would let me. The work with the comic forks gives me new perspectives and starting points. I can´t wait to start with it. It´s simply mine. Beate: It was exciting to feel the vibrations and to see how quick the forks show their effects. I was very surprised to still sense in bed who my body was vibrating. I´m pretty sure that I will use the forks pretty often following the workshop. I´m very looking forward what will happen following the workshop.

Angelika and Beate


Wow! I went on Debbi's beginner's course - the Om tuning fork tuned out the non-stop negative chatter in my head - I have been suffering from depression and anxiety for many years, and this simple sound is now transforming my life. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't been there myself, and can really recommend this one day course for anyone who wants to get well. Thank you so much, Debbi!!

Liz Woollard

I first met Debbi a short time ago when fate brought us together. My life was in turmoil, my health going downhill rapidly and I could not see any light at the end of the tunnel. Then this wonderful, warm, enthusiastic lady burst into my life and I'm so grateful. Debbi very soon recognised what I was going through and could empathise with my health problems as she had gone through the same thing. I have received EFT therapy from Debbi and also Sound Healing therapy and I can honestly say that both have been life changing for me. I would thoroughly recommend the Sound Therapy ~ it was the most amazing experience. Debbi is a very skilled practioner who takes such special care of each person she sees ~ she made me feel warm, safe, relaxed and I trust her implicitly. I can't wait for my next session!! Angie Very grateful friend


Very grateful friend

As myself a busy massage therapist (who sometimes forgets to look after myself!) I found the sound healing with Debbi amazing, she has really helped me feel more centered and grounded and is a fab therapist! I would highly recommend this treatment!

Whilst looking through an old Mind,Body,Soul programme, I came across a lovely smiley picture of Debbi with a paragraph on becoming a Suara Sound Therapist. As I was reading I felt such a sense of excitement I KNEW that I absolutely needed to be doing this! I was so blessed to attend Debs therapist course in November, Which was the most wonderful life changing week ever!!! Time ceased to exist, at one with sacred sound vibrations, positive intent and the fun and open heartedness of my new sound family. I have grown so much, dissolved and discarded many outdated beliefs and blockages. Thank you Debbi for holding us in your loving light, guiding and nurturing us on our journey into sound. You are such a beautiful joyous soul, a fabulous and inspiring teacher and mentor and also a wonderful friend and sound sister. much love,light and gratitude Karen Fox Sound Ambassador

Karen Fox

Sound Ambassador

My life certainly changed when I realised I was ready to embrace the sounds and energy of the Tuning Forks and signing up to do the Course with Debbi of Suara Sounds was definitely the right thing to do. My life is on the up and I feel confident about my future working as an Ambassador of Sound and using the forks to give Mer Healing using the energy of the Sea, Dolphins and Mermaids. My lovely sea family have already been in touch and introduced themselves informing me that I have finally found home again. My new guides are amazing and I look forward to working with them. Much love to you Debbi and Suara Sounds. Thank you for everything. Linda Joyce, Plymouth, UK

Linda Joyce

Ambassador of Sound

I met Debbi at the healing fair at Burnhams Princess theatre. Up til then I had only heard about tuning fork therapy so was keen to see what it was all about. Debbi was a joy and did a healing on my damaged shoulder. Wonder of wonders the pain I had suffered for 18 months went away,despite my gp saying it was my fate for life. Couldnt wait to try out my golf game for the first time in well over a year and was thrilled to be able to play again. Thank goodness the person who came to buy my clubs wouldnt pay the asking price or I would not have been able to play without my clubs. Debbi has really inspired me and I cant wait to take my healing course with her in the new year. Thanks Debbi.x

Larry Qigley

re juvinated golfer

Suara Sound Healing Copyright 2025

Please do not copy my work without permission - I am happy to share, please ask.


Rev Debbi Walker BSc (Hons) Nursing

B.MSc Metaphysical Science

Minister of Metaphysics


Based near Callington, Cornwall


Founder and Holistic Director of ~ ♡Suara Sound Academy, ♡Polhilsa House Retreat,

♡Metaphysical Spiritual Mentoring Journey 


MEMBER OF: International Sound Healers Association, British Complementary Medicine Association, International Institute for Complementary Therapies, Minister with International Metaphysical Ministry, BCMA Officer

Suara Sound Academy is an Independent Teaching School with the British Complementary Medicine Association

Training Organisation with Holistic Services Insurance Ltd

Platinum Training Provider with the International Institute for Complementary Therapists

Tuning Fork Sound Therapy of the Clear, Cleanse and Balance System for Health and Well Being
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