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Wound Healing with Sound with the 528 Tuning Fork

Please note - There are pictures of wounds on this page

I have a First Class Honours' Degree in Tissue Viability (Tissue Viability is how wounds heal and respond to different treatments, plus much more etc) from my nursing days. I always believed that one day my experience in woundcare and my experience of working with Tuning Fork Sound Therapy would meet. In August 2014, it did.

When Mike came to me, he was a complete skeptic, but he had been told skin grafting was a real possibility as the wound wasn't healing. He didn't want surgery and really had no place to go, as Mike had been discharged by the nurses. So a chance meeting with Trev (my husband) and Donna (Mike's partner) in Tesco's (of all places) led Mike to coming over that evening for me to see what, if anything, I could do.

The wound bed was in a really poor state of health and was 'bound' by dry exudate. It was pale, dry and doing nothing. The fundamentals of wound healing is to create a warm, moist environment so the cells can migrate across the woundbed. 

On the first treatment, it was too painful for me to do anything much and I knew I had to gain Mike's trust as this was way out of his comfort zone. So I basically used the Clear, Cleanse, Balance system to work with the chi of the wound, the energy, of which there was a big lack of. It took some time to clear the old chi and bring in good chi. Mike could feel the woundbed tingling as this was happening.

The next evening Mike came back and I was astounded how the woundbed was looking. As was he, although he still remained skeptic for some days to come. It has changed so much that I was able to take away the dried exudate from around the wound. NOW i was able to concentrate on moving things forward with the sounds.

Mike had been given simple dressings of jelonet and mepore to keep the wound covered - we continued with these as Mike's work was not conducive to open wounds, and we needed the wound to be covered by something. Plus they are not dressings that would promote optimum wound healing, so when reflecting on the wound healing I knew that there was no 'properties' in the dressing that would lend itself to optimum cell proliferation (growth), ie, hydrocolloid, silver or honey dressings.

We carried on daily for two weeks and in that time the wound decreased by approx 50%. Then Mike went away so I taught him to do it for himself. He even got a friend to do it for him when they had a race track day.

I was away, then Mike was away again so even though Mike had been sending me pictures I caught up with the wound in the flesh, so to speak in September 2014, just as it was healed. In total, 4 weeks and 2 days.

Mike was very happy that he didn't have to go down the skin grafting and surgery route. I was so very happy that I was to physically SEE what I 'know' intuitively happens.  

My thoughts are if we can see this happen on the outside, we can only imagine what happens on the inside. It's quite something. One day I hope i will be able to take this work forward and do more trials and actually biologically work on a more scientific basis. If there is anyone reading this who would be willing to work with me doing more research i would love to hear from you.

We are at a new paradigm and this is just the tip of the iceburg. I will continue my work with the sounds and keep trying to get it accepted to work alongside conventional medicine

'Sound is the Medicine of our Future'

Edgar Cayce


  • 5th July 2014 - Motorbike Accident

  • Friday 9th August 2014 – Told to leave wound open and would need a skin graft

  • Saturday 16th August 2014 - Tuning Fork Sound Therapy commenced

  • Thursday 18th September - Healed



Time to healing once the Tuning Fork Therapy started was 4 weeks and 2 days, preventing surgery and skin grafting.

Here is Mikes story in his own words...

Hi, my name is Michael. On the 5th July 2014 I had a motorcycle accident and sustained a deep abrasion on my right forearm.

I was treated on site by a paramedic and advised to go to the local hospital the following day. I visited the hospital daily for approximately 6 weeks where the wound was cleaned and dressed on a daily basis. I was then referred to a plastic surgeon who advised me that I may need a skin graft if the wound did not start healing.

That weekend, I visited Debbi Walker of Suara Sound Academy who examined my injury and suggested fork healing to which I was very skeptical. I agreed to trying the treatment as felt I had nothing to loose and did not want to go down the route of a skin graft.

I visited Debbi on a daily basis for approximately 2 weeks and noticed a remarkable difference to the wound within a couple of days of tuning. I went on holiday and Debbi kindly lent me a tuning fork to continue the treatment and showed me how to use it effectively.

Within 3-4 weeks, my open wound had healed over and grown new skin. Needless to say, I am no longer a skeptic and amazed by the results.

I have not had contact with the hospital throughout the duration of treatment by Debbi and would highly recommend this. Without the tuning I would most certainly have been treating a skin graft.

Thanks again Debbi for all you have done

Regards Michael

Disclaimer - please note - I make no claims of what Tuning Fork Sound Therapy will do on an individual basis, I am relaying the events of Mike's journey with the sounds.

This is the stage the wound was when I met Mike and he had been told he would need skin grafting.

Within 24 hours the wound had showed vast signs of improvement and the tissue was right for wound healing to occur.

Time to healing is 4 weeks and 2 days. Of which Mike was taught to do the Tuning Fork Therapy for himself after seeing me daily for 2 weeks.


Head wound healing in 18 days using the 528 tuning fork - nothing else used except the tuning forks

Picture 1. 29 th September

A deep wound after falling from the steps and leaving it open for 12 hrs (as didn’t want to bother people late at night)

Picture 2. 2nd October

Bruising came out as yellow no purple stage!

Picture 3. 17th October

Fully healed faint scar 18 days after fall. Forked for 4 days from day 1. Very deep cuts that needed stitching or glue, but lovely lady didn’t want to go so steri stripped instead.

Pictures and testimony sent to me from people I taught how to use the tuning forks with. Pictures courtesy of Martinsell Centre, Wiltshire with thanks


This is a spay wound on a dog called Inca

Picture 1

Inca's the dog spay wound 1 day after operation

Picture 2 a week after

Feedback from people I taught the sounds to

“The vet gave the all clear for free walks as he had never seen such rapid healing. We were told her after care would be 3 weeks of rest and no running! Very difficult for Inca! She was 528 forked daily! Thank you for tools of healing” x Martinsell Centre

Pictures by the Martinsell Centre in Wiltshire

This is a chemical burn from cement in a boot that went unnoticed. Treatment plan was idosorb plus mepore dressing and 528hz tuning fork 15 minutes per day.

Wound healed in 4weeks - from 10th February to 9th March 2018.

Suara Sound Healing Copyright 2025

Please do not copy my work without permission - I am happy to share, please ask.


Rev Debbi Walker BSc (Hons) Nursing

B.MSc Metaphysical Science

Minister of Metaphysics


Based near Callington, Cornwall


Founder and Holistic Director of ~ ♡Suara Sound Academy, ♡Polhilsa House Retreat,

♡Metaphysical Spiritual Mentoring Journey 


MEMBER OF: International Sound Healers Association, British Complementary Medicine Association, International Institute for Complementary Therapies, Minister with International Metaphysical Ministry, BCMA Officer

Suara Sound Academy is an Independent Teaching School with the British Complementary Medicine Association

Training Organisation with Holistic Services Insurance Ltd

Platinum Training Provider with the International Institute for Complementary Therapists

Tuning Fork Sound Therapy of the Clear, Cleanse and Balance System for Health and Well Being
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