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Welcome Home


Debbi Walker

Did I truly leave, oh land of my heart?

Footprints etched in the stones of all time

Of my precious homeland, of Atlantis

Each step echoes with the sound of my Soul

"I hear you" call the winds of all time

The whispers stirs all my senses

You have not left, we remember you

And in our thoughts you stay

For eternity....

Welcome Home 💜

Copyright Debbi Walker 2016




5 Violet Ray Tuning Forks  

Atlantean Ankh




You will also need the Clear, Cleanse and Balance Tuning Forks (not included)

5 x Tuning Forks Violet Ray

Weighted Atlantis (£55), Weighted Temple(£55), Isis (£50), Orion's Gateway (£50) Pleiades (£50)(included)

All tuning forks worth £260 inclusive 

Atlantean Ankh Tuning Fork - Sacred Symbol of Protection and the Key of Life, very rare (included) worth £100

Full payment 4 weeks before please.

Numbers are limited to each course so please book early. 

"The Golden Bridge"

"White horses prance freely on the crest of the waves

The wind stirs the ocean filling the caves

With strong foamy seas that have nowhere to roam

The ancient echos heard in my heart, of home

I hear the sounds the ancients made

The land of the free of all purpose laid

Down into the depths of my open Soul

Awaiting the day for remembering, to Know

To celebrate all lifes golden dreams

To sing for joy the day, only love to bring

For I hear the way of my ancient path

To honour I have found it at last

So a new chapter begins from this day forth

Hearing the call from South, East, West, North

So all directions guide through my passage on earth

My Dharma here is to be of worth

To all who come from their weary plight

To rest and restore, no more to fight

To find strength in their Soul to rise again

And find in themselves they are their own best friend

Who will take their own hand to guide them thro

Life's pebbles and boulders, to know what's true

To find peace in their heart, their way is clear

They look into their Soul and hold their life dear

And to know the fight is over now

They bring in happiness to allow

Their time to rest and feel so free

Embracing their I AM presence, to BE"

Copyright Debbi Walker 2016



Date TBC



5 Violet Ray Tuning Forks

Atlantean Ankh




Accommodation is not included

Atlantis Rising ~ the Egyptian Mysteries Practitioners Course/Retreat

This is a 5 day Course/Retreat is in person.

Sound Healing and Divination of the ancient Temple ways featuring my Channelled Tuning forks of:

Violet Ray Tuning Forks Atlantis, Temple, Isis, Orion's Gateway, Pleiades

Atlantean Ankh Tuning Fork - Sacred Symbol of Protection and the Key of Life

Pure authentic Egyptian oil (brought from Egypt)


We will be visiting/connecting with:

Tuning Fork Sound Therapy - giving and receiving treatments in person and distant healing

Atlantis Rising

Atlantean Ankh Tuning Fork and Sacred Symbol

The Egyptian Mysteries

The 9 Veils of the Goddess Isis

Isis Ceremony of the Divine Feminine

Past Life Remembering

Meditation and Mindfulness

Automatic writing



The Course/Retreat will be Sound based with Meditation, Mindfulness, Visualisation and Past life retrieval. We will be doing automatic writing whilst listening to specifically created music for accessing memory of Atlantis, Isis, Temple, Orion's Gateway and Pleiades.

All energy interwoven in time and space, paradigm shifts and synchronised together.

Our days begin at 10am every morning.

We finish at 5pm.


Atlantis Rising


Debbi Walker

The black inky ocean of fathoms unknown

Lay secret to a land never seen

But the legends live on within the hearts of men

Sleeping dragons guard the cauldera where life had been

Is this the island of Plato's muse

Of cliffs of black, white, and red

The volcano rising the tsunami roared

To Atlantis's demise that led

To sleep for a millennium until it rises again

The cauldera holds the secret well

Bringing all secrets of such ancient truths

Until the earth moves and brakes the spell

Then all legends and the truth is found out

Of our ancestors ways of all men

But for now what I know stays in my heart

My dreamstate sees all once again

The sun baths the land in the morning rays

The sleepy mist blankets the peeks

Days life begins on this Island of Love

I am at home now, no longer to seek

The mystery of my existence roots through time

Of my path where I found my sound

Of my quest through life to do the same

My Dharma it is found

Copyright Debbi Walker 2016


The retreat was wonderful and worked surprisingly well via zoom. It was a profound experience and journey which I am grateful to have been a part of.

Provided whoever embarks on this virtual retreat allows the time and space for themselves, from my personal experience of doing just this, they will go deeper than they could ever imagine being able to do. Experiencing deep relaxation, feelings of bliss and insight about themselves.

It was also interesting and informative, with wonderful references to support it.

The music was sublime and the meditations were amazing.

I highly recommend and would repeat myself, it was that good!

Thank you, Cherie.


What an lovely retreat. It was nice to be able to concentrate on self and self reflection, the knowledge combined with beautiful sounds meant the days were stimulating, interesting and well thought out.

Thank you Debbi for sharing the experience.


The Atlantic Rising ~ the Egyptian Mystery Retreat on Zoom was so inspirational. Who would have thought you could have such a relaxing retreat in your own home. The magical golden package with so many wonderful goodies – tuning forks, crystals, pendulum, music, ceremonial cup & saucer, Egyptian oil, and the fabulous Ankh. It was like Christmas! The powerful music, meditations, distant healing, and the beautiful energies of the soul sisters, ramped up my personal vibration to a new level. Debbi is a true master of her craft, and it was an amazing personal experience – thank you. Sue

There really are no words I can use to describe how breathtaking, how beautiful and how life changing this retreat truly was and is.  Debbi creates such a loving, safe and beautiful environment in which you feel totally held, safe and listened to.  Not to mention the Gold parcel of goodies that hum and buzz with love and energy - and energy that can only truly be described as a total coming home to oneself.  The retreat was on all a huge shift and life affirming experience; the forks truly take you on a magical journey of returning to home, returning to your soul and really coming back to your heart.  Debbi is able to create such a wonderful experience online and I’m sure had it been in person it would have been just as inspiring and beautiful if not more so. I shall forever be grateful to Debbie and her beautiful forks for those magical three days, and the shifts and changes I have experienced in myself and my life in such a short space of time. I shall never put my forks down now and I will always look to them and remember my souls true voice 🙏🏻💙 thank you Debbi you truly have changed the world with these beautiful vibrations and I cannot wait to continue my forking journey - as it’s forking fantastic in every way!  Lots of love and angel hugs  Nikki xxx

A three day retreat full of special moments. At times it was like a magic carpet ride inside the most serene rollercoaster full of joy, wonder and exhilaration. The frequencies of the forks we used were simply out of this world. There are not enough suitable words to fully do justice to the journey, the insights and the ongoing knowing that evolved, together with the actual changes that manifested during this retreat. Just, magical and Debbi, as always the most fabulous leader, guide and teacher. Namaste.

Speak soon


Dear Debbi -

Just wanted to send you humoungous heartfelt thanks for the last three days- they literally have been mind blowing!

As I shared with you and the other divineIy fabulous ladies, I truly lost my mind and found my forking soul!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this blissful retreat.

I can hardly sling these words together as my ‘blown mind’ still seems to be downloading new information which I am allowing and will sit with to ‘just BE’

It appears to be coming in all ways- I’m sketching, writing, humming, using light language- my husband thinks I’ve lost my mind- which of course I have, the one I thought I knew!

Your Atlantis Rising & Egyptian Mysteries retreat has to be one of the most special three days I have experienced in years! I cannot wait to see what comes from all of the new keys codes and insanely detailed information I am continuing to receive.

Bless your heart Debbi Walker for taking 9 special years to share this retreat with your soul sisters - you are one awesome forking Goddess!

So now, I will just let go, let God & the Goddess Isis lead me for the work I am called to do next, with my own unique healing system.... for Gaia’s sake!!

With the deepest gratitude

Bev Horton 


Dear Debbi!

This is my feed back for

Atlantis Rising *the Egyptian Mysteries*

It was wonderful three days retreat, I really needed!

Good to meet with like minded people who vibrates on the same level.

Happy to use new tuning forks in purple colour. I decided to invest and to have Clear / Cleanse/Balance in purple colour as well.

I was happy to learn and experience on myself power of distance healing with tuning forks.

Nice group of experienced holistic Therapists gathered together under Debbies” wings” and all taught by Debbi ,how to create Magic healing with tuning forks.

This retreat gave us opportunity to make connection with other healers and offer support and distant healing to each other ,if need it.

I suggest to have more retreats like this in a future.

Thank you, Debbi, it was well planned and organised.I was feeling relaxed and special.

Love to you and all my Sound sisters!❤️


Dearest Debbi

It is with immense gratitude and a heart filled with joy that I give you my sincere thanks for the amazing programme you have gifted to us with the Atlantis Rising Retreat.

My excitement began building from the very first announcement and I knew I had to be there! I counted the days until I could join you on your third Retreat and it has proved to be an incredible time of ceremony and celebration - of who we really are at our core essence.

Our packages were simply a delight and it was evident that so much love and thought had gone into them. I loved opening them all together as one - it really was such a special moment to treasure, as indeed are the fantastic tuning forks, including the Atlantean Ankh, which have exceeded my expectations and will bring me so much pleasure going forward.

This journey has been like coming home - a remembering, of knowledge gained, but also known, deep within my soul. Each day peeled back another layer of our physical incarnation to reveal to us our true destiny - to be of service and to raise the planetary vibrations as light beings and light workers.

I really do feel blessed to have had the opportunity to immerse myself fully in this fabulous Retreat and to discover, or even rediscover, those talents and abilities which were waiting for this perfect moment to emerge.

The three days just flowed and each built upon each other. Debbi gave of her knowledge so freely and was so insightful. Her meditations were so profound, powerful and deep, and full of connection and reconnection through space and time.

I especially loved the sound bath which stirred my physical body body into speaking light language and being able to give and receive Distant Healing which was so rewarding and relaxing too.

All in all everything was just perfect!

Thank you, thank you, thank you Debbi.

With love and an overflowing heart full of blessings for you.

Denise 💜 🙏 💜 XXXX

Debbi thank you so much for a wonderful 3 days.

The energy within our group was so beautiful, and I can say totally from my heart I have found a lovely group of new friends and Soul Sisters.

I have to hold my hands up and say that I have over the past 12 months my Forks have spent more time in their pouches than being used.

I very much lost my way, lost me, but this past 3 days has helped me find me again,

I am no longer lost in the wilderness I have found my way home again.

I have found my love of the Forks again, and will be making time each day for me, because I deserve it.

I was truly Forking Amazing

Thank you once again

Love & blessings

Jeanette xx

Hi Debbi

Thank you so much for a wonderful weekend.

Everything about the weekend was beautiful.

It has given me a lot of things to go and research and find out more.

The way you took us through each day and the forks are just magical. I loved all the meditations and music you shared with us and the group of people were amazing as well. I’m looking forward to using my new forks and again thank you 🙏

Much love to you


Well what can I say? What an amazing 3 days spent in the comfort of our own homes, but in 'retreat' on the Atlantis/Egyptian Rising retreat held by Debbi Walker. There was chemistry with all 9 ladies, creating a sacred safe circle for us all on our meditation and journeys. Have come away with confirmation about certain things and ideas and renewed energy for other areas of my life. I certainly had quite an experience with the Pleiades/Orion's Gateway forks, but so loving the energy of the Ankh too. Much to assimilate and play with over the next coming weeks and can't wait to try on clients! Would definitely recommend this retreat if you feel drawn to any aspect of it, just go for it and you will be so glad you did.

Many thanks for creating and holding the space and channelling the forks Debbi. Sarah xx

Just finished the 3 day Atlantis Rising Retreat. What a wonderful weekend - from the beautiful gold parcel containing all the goodies. The tuning forks were wonderful and the brass Atlantean cross/ankh was absolutely beautiful.

Debbi is a great facilitator of retreats/courses and gently leads and encourages her participants. She knows her subject thoroughly and teaches in a relaxing friendly manner. Highly recommended. Loved it and learnt so much about myself and the subject.

Glenda xx

Suara Sound Healing Copyright 2025

Please do not copy my work without permission - I am happy to share, please ask.


Rev Debbi Walker BSc (Hons) Nursing

B.MSc Metaphysical Science

Minister of Metaphysics


Based near Callington, Cornwall


Founder and Holistic Director of ~ ♡Suara Sound Academy, ♡Polhilsa House Retreat,

♡Metaphysical Spiritual Mentoring Journey 


MEMBER OF: International Sound Healers Association, British Complementary Medicine Association, International Institute for Complementary Therapies, Minister with International Metaphysical Ministry, BCMA Officer

Suara Sound Academy is an Independent Teaching School with the British Complementary Medicine Association

Training Organisation with Holistic Services Insurance Ltd

Platinum Training Provider with the International Institute for Complementary Therapists

Tuning Fork Sound Therapy of the Clear, Cleanse and Balance System for Health and Well Being
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