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Violet Ray Tuning Forks buy here


Pack will include:

Tuning Forks

How to Fork Yourself Booklet


3 CD's


Pet Healing with 

Tuning Forks - 


Earth Healing with 

Tuning Forks






Self - Healing

Pet Healing

Earth Healing

Featuring the Violet Ray Clear, Cleanse and Balance Tuning Forks (not included)

I am so excited to be practically sharing my unique blend of using the OM, Weighted OM, and 528 tuning fork with you for self-care and healing, for your pets and for Mother Earth. The power of the system never ceases to amaze me and I am honoured to be able to share this potentially life changing way of working with the tuning forks and sound healing. It is a simple way of tuning ourselves to help to cope with life's interesting twists and turns. When better than now to look after ourselves and loved ones.

On the workshop you will be able to do a tuning fork healing on yourself and gain the knowledge of how to share with family and friends. I will teach you how to gently Clear, Cleanse and Balance past lives, Karmic Blocks or Ancestral Memory patterns.

On the workshop you may feel:

1.Calmness descends

2. Feelings of deep peace

3. Breathing slower

4. Mind chatter lessened or stops

5. Feeling more together in oneself

6. Shift in perception

7. The OM is like a nurturing cuddle from the Divine

8. Can be used before meditation to ease quiet time within

9. Body and mind totally relaxed

10. Great feelings of well being

11. More in control of your own life

12. Pain relieved (I show you how this can be achieved)

13. Remove old chi that is preventing you from moving forward

14. Feelings of contentment

15. Loved and nurtured

16. Enhances mindfulness to be in the present moment

Plus much much more....

We will have a lot of fun during the 2 days too. A sense of kinship maybe gained as you spend the days with like minded people. The Suara Sound Family is growing globally so it is so wonderful to be taking this out to new places and sharing this for self-care.

Please note - this is NOT a certificated course and is for self-healing, family and friends, your pets and Mother Earth and is an experience for you to enjoy.

If, after you have experienced the tuning forks and wish to go onto practitioner level you are most welcome and £100 discount will apply to the course fee for the practitioner course you chose. Online practitioner courses are here and face to face in person here


No experience is necessary.

Self-care and healing with nature and the elements

Suara Sound Healing Copyright 2025

Please do not copy my work without permission - I am happy to share, please ask.


Rev Debbi Walker BSc (Hons) Nursing

B.MSc Metaphysical Science

Minister of Metaphysics


Based near Callington, Cornwall


Founder and Holistic Director of ~ ♡Suara Sound Academy, ♡Polhilsa House Retreat,

♡Metaphysical Spiritual Mentoring Journey 


MEMBER OF: International Sound Healers Association, British Complementary Medicine Association, International Institute for Complementary Therapies, Minister with International Metaphysical Ministry, BCMA Officer

Suara Sound Academy is an Independent Teaching School with the British Complementary Medicine Association

Training Organisation with Holistic Services Insurance Ltd

Platinum Training Provider with the International Institute for Complementary Therapists

Tuning Fork Sound Therapy of the Clear, Cleanse and Balance System for Health and Well Being
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