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A very interesting and enjoyable day. Loved the vibe and your frequencies. Much love x

Steve - Workshop Participant

“Thank you Debbi for such a wonderful day it was so uplifting. I felt really blessed to be among lots of lovely people and to have N E V with us on the day was really informative. I can’t wait to use my Om.”

Elaine – Workshop Participant

“It has been a special course for me - quite an initiation. Feels safe and guiding.”

Workshop Participant

“I have really enjoyed the day as well as getting lots of information from it. It has confirmed what I know and that is that I really want to work with the forks. I still really like the Om but loved working with the 528. I cannot wait to learn more and use all the forks to their full potential. A great combination of education and enjoyment….Brilliant Thank you!”

Claire – Workshop Participant

“I loved this workshop. I came in feeling very low in energy and bunged up with a cold, but my energy levels rose during the day and I’m now nearly back to my usual bouncy self. Using the forks was simple, interesting and fun. It was useful to learn more about them, I loved the ‘Ocean Set’ especially. Debbi made the workshop light-hearted and fun, she is such a wonderfully warm and approachable person. I especially liked the N E V which validated what Debbi was telling us, it was fun and interesting to see it all in process.”

Shivani – Workshop Participant

Keywords: Energetic, dynamic and well-paced. Tone: Well-balanced blend of humour and serious tuition. Education: well-rounded introduction (and beyond) to most, if not all, aspects of tuning fork resonances and their implication to physical and spiritual well-being. References to other aspects of vibration, very helpful. Thanks for an enjoyable and informative day.

Workshop Participant

“I have had had an amazing day with beautiful people, made new friends, feeling rejuvenated and ready to go forward with new knowledge. Debbi has a wonderful gift and her knowledge and passion shone through. I enjoyed the workshop very much and look forward to doing another, while spending more time with like-minded people. Much love and blessings.”

Julie- Workshop Participant

“Loved the day! Enjoyed the company of the group with like-minded people that brought in laughter and joy. I also enjoyed the different vibrations; it was nice to have a healing session. Loved the ‘Sound of Nature’ and how it made me feel. It will help clear and change static atmosphere. I would love to use the fork at work to see the changes. I found it interesting having the photos taken highlighting the vibrations. Enjoyed the whole day. Thank you Debbi – you have such a wonderful vibrant energy and share with us your latest discoverers. Bless you!”

FayTucker - Workshop Participant

“Very interesting day enjoying sound and how it can reach the depths of the soul on such a profound level. Each and every one of us totally experienced a remembrance of who we all are - vibrational energy at the end of the day and not just a physical body. Love and light.”

Bev - Workshop Participant

Debbi’s Theme ‘keep it simple’ - Techniques allowed participants to speak and heal for themselves. The course was boundaried, safe and contained. Absolutely lovely to work with the healing tools and sounds. Enjoyed it all! Love the lightness of touch of Debbi, her sense of humour, grounded and spacious, allowing and accepting of all that arose. Would like to do more!”

Dal - Workshop Participant

“I enjoyed everything about the day. Although I had not met anybody before, I was made to feel welcome and very soon relaxed into the workshop. It was just the right amount of information and practical to keep my interest without an overload. My energy has lifted, I feel great….I’m hooked! Thank you Debbi, I’m looking forward to the course in November”

Tina - Workshop Participant

“I found the day very interesting, it’s totally different from any other therapy. I think it has made me more open, only time will tell. I met some lovely people on the course and I very much enjoyed the day…. lovely soup!!”

Workshop Participant

“Once again I found the’ Sound Workshop’ with tuning forks uplifting and enhancing. My body seems to completely absorb the vibrations received, in a good positive way. I ‘am so pleased I have been drawn to understanding the energy of the forks and to do the course. I look forward to becoming an ‘Ambassador of Sound’. Thank you Debbi x x x”

Linda – Workshop Participant

“A wonderful experience to learn all about the Om and 528 tuning forks. The workshop fulfilled all my expectations and more. Debbi expertly explained all aspects of tuning fork healing, and the result was sensational. I had a wonderful time and will enjoy using the forks to their best use infinitely.”

Ang - Workshop Participant

“Thank you Debbi, I have had a wonderful day and have learnt so much, I hope I can remember it. Sound is something that I have wanted to do for a long time. I have a singing bowl, but I have been longing to do this or the drums for a long time. Thank you for being a good teacher and making it fun. Love and light x x x”

Ann - Workshop Participant

“Enjoyed the day very much. I connected and understood the basic foundations to this treatment. I will now use it in my every day regime. Thanks Debbi the energy was lovely. Love and light x.”

Carole - Workshop Participant


Another wonderful workshop Debbi. Holding a loving and safe space for all us Divine Feminine Goddesses.

Jane Edwards – Divine Feminine Workshop 27th Jan 2013

I came wanting to reconnect to my forks. I could not hear my ‘Angels’ clearly but after the course I CAN! I feel energised and inspired to do something positive in my life after having had trauma, upsets and changes. I feel I will value myself, The Divine Goddess in me rising. A brilliant time!

Shelia Sayer - Divine Feminine Workshop 27th Jan 2013

What a lovey positive attitude from all. Very relaxing, very professional lovely people. Debbi, I found you a lovely person as well as your friends. Love | X X X

Maureen Richie - Divine Feminine Workshop 27th Jan 2013

Lovely as ever. Loving, caring, gentle and funny. Also very helpful, organised, structured and fluid day. Thank you X

Annie Turner - Divine Feminine Workshop 27th Jan 2013

A wonderful day full of energy. A deeply safe environment which allowed for undisturbed expression and growth. Great facilitation and an opportunity for sharing as required. Thank you.

Jan Deane - Divine Feminine Workshop 27th Jan 2013

I have so enjoyed today and feel totally cleansed and new. Debbi you’re a wonderful teacher. :0)

Gail Dey - Divine Feminine Workshop 27th Jan 2013

Great Day. I feel a true sense of renewal and ready to embark on my divine purpose. The energy was truly raised today and everyone opened to show their own light…..beautiful. Namaste.

Claire Rowe - Divine Feminine Workshop 27th Jan 2013

Had a most interesting and happy day. Love your humour and easy going way, with important information being received easily. Love working with the forks. X

Dottie Rogers - Divine Feminine Workshop 27th Jan 2013

Fantastic workshop, superb energy and lovely people to hug and love. The location was excellent. Yes please to many more! I love the meeting of like-minded souls and the sharing of all that is, and all that could be.

Linda Joyce - Divine Feminine Workshop 27th Jan 2013

Lovely, lovely, lovely! I want to learn more, so I will be back for other workshops and retreats as and when I can. Thank you so much Debbi.

Sue Sharkey - Divine Feminine Workshop 27th Jan 2013

A beautiful workshop, it was great to be able to meditate and connect with the energies of the forks and environment. Wonderful people, wonderful vibration…..Just ACE! This is something that really is working for me on all levels. Thank you Debbi for sharing.

Sarah Cowling - Divine Feminine Workshop 27th Jan 2013

I really enjoyed it. Lovely day, great venue and a nice sized group. Debbi is a knowledgeable, genuine and charismatic leader.

Rowena Wilson - Divine Feminine Workshop 27th Jan 2013

Great Energy – inspiring stories regarding healing (physical) thorough the tuning forks. Loved the venue, so light, unusual, comfortable and welcoming. Very glad to be part of ‘The Sound Family’ and thank you Debbi for your love and welcome…………. Your recent healing journey was of interest. X

Bindy Mcleod- Divine Feminine Workshop 27th Jan 2013

ADORABLE, I love Debbi her energy is just so special and precious, it is lovely to be guided by her with these ‘forks’. The day was very well set out, the setting so peaceful and perfect! Lunch fab and the group of woman so warming. It has been a great day and I would recommend Debbi’s courses to anyone. Big Love.

Melanie Broad - Divine Feminine Workshop 27th Jan 2013

I truly mean this when I say ‘The Divine Feminine Workshop’ changed my internal circuiry. A fabulous day cradled in warmth from a lady, who if you’re not quick and treat yourself to a wondrous life changing day, will be doing the major holistic seminars worldwide to millions. Loved the venue, loved the day and loved the new soul sisters I now can call friends. Thank you so much Deb’s, my life arrow is now facing up! Love yer!!!

Lisa Mechen - Divine Feminine Workshop 27th Jan 2013

Hi deb

i thought i would share some more with you, to let you know what i am doing, as you were a link

to my changing path way through our meeting at quest, i have started to do spiritual story telling, the seed of inspiration grew within me when i reread the chapters of a book i have been working on, it was then that the idea filled me to be a story teller. the first story is woven through the sea, and in its fabric there are six songs i have channeled, it only takes 45 mins to do the whole story with the songs included. i use a native american hand drum, and i use the sloffeggio chimes, plus the very small chakra chimes and the om chime spine bar , i did a practice run in front of friends to see if i could do it, it felt so uplifting and elevated me into a spiritual ecstasy, i knew it was a gif,t one from god to me for humanity , , i also finish then with a meditation on the sound of all the instruments, i want to thank you deb for being a part of my unfolding journey through life, for we are the one golden harp in the celestial sphere, but each and every one of us is unique and we are the divine strings of creative energy upon the golden harp, each one a different note, and together we all create a symphony of harmony that resonates through the universal heart, so thank you again

warmest blessings

Teresa x

Suara Sound Healing Copyright 2025

Please do not copy my work without permission - I am happy to share, please ask.


Rev Debbi Walker BSc (Hons) Nursing

B.MSc Metaphysical Science

Minister of Metaphysics


Based near Callington, Cornwall


Founder and Holistic Director of ~ ♡Suara Sound Academy, ♡Polhilsa House Retreat,

♡Metaphysical Spiritual Mentoring Journey 


MEMBER OF: International Sound Healers Association, British Complementary Medicine Association, International Institute for Complementary Therapies, Minister with International Metaphysical Ministry, BCMA Officer

Suara Sound Academy is an Independent Teaching School with the British Complementary Medicine Association

Training Organisation with Holistic Services Insurance Ltd

Platinum Training Provider with the International Institute for Complementary Therapists

Tuning Fork Sound Therapy of the Clear, Cleanse and Balance System for Health and Well Being
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